
Lyazzat Ramazanov: "The dialogue between an entrepreneur and NCE RK "Atameken" will help to solve problems of business"

- East-Kazakhstan Region
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The Chairman of the Republican Council of Businesswomen discussed with businesswomen of EKR the perspectives of entrepreneurship development in the region in a non-formal atmosphere

In Ust-Kamenogorsk was held a meeting of the Regional Council of businesswomen under RCE with participation of the Head of the Secretariat of the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken", the Chairwoman of the Council of Businesswomen of NCE EK Lyazzat Ramazanova.

The meeting was held in an informal atmosphere where entrepreneurs could ask questions and talk about their achievements.

During the meeting the business woman discussed a number of problematic issues, shared their opinions and visions about the methods to improve the business climate in the region.

Lyazzat Ramazanova noted the high level of the functionality in the Council of Businesswomen of East Kazakhstan region, expressing her gratitude to the Chair of the Regional Council of Business Women Elena Berezinskaya-Abilova.

"Under the leadership of Elena Berezinkaya-Abilova successfully operates the structure. You are able to set priorities and to find points of growth for further development", - the head of the Council of Businesswomen of NCE RK gave this assessment to the Regional Council of Businesswomen.

As it is known, the development of women's entrepreneurship in the East Kazakhstan region is inextricably linked to the overall business climate of the country, as evidenced by the ever-increasing proportion of women in small and medium business. Elena Berezinskaya –Abilova started her speech with these words the welcoming speech to the chairman of the Republican Council of Businesswomen.

"According to the Kazakh Statistics, women's contribution to the country's GDP is close to 40%, among those more than 50% of women are engaged in the individual entrepreneurship. Today, by the condition of the reporting period, a single data base of women entrepreneurs in the context of cities and districts of the region, includes 10,458 business entities, including 7193 individual entrepreneurs. We are open to each of them and are ready to help both with starting a business career, and the service support for operating business", - said Elena Berezinskaya-Abilova.

Today, within the framework of the Council of Businesswomen of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of East Kazakhstan region, in all areas of the region is carried out consistent work on provision of practical assistance in the preparation and implementation of business projects, improving the business status of a socially active women.

Lyazzat Ramazanov told about existing programs of support of entrepreneurship and the current business needs. One of the important aspects, which can optimize the work of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, the Chairman of the Republican Council of Businesswomen named provision of feedback. The presence of a dialogue between an entrepreneur and NCE "Atameken", as well as the involvement of all stakeholders, including the Regional Council of Business Women, will positively affect the quality of the solution of urgent problems.

"Today NCE RK "Atameken" – is the best way to solve business problems in the Republic of Kazakhstan", - stressed Lyazzat Ramazanova.

The meeting participants discussed the projects that have been or will be implemented in the near future, in the framework of the activities of the Regional Council of Businesswomen of EKR.

For example, work with women, who have expressed a desire to start their own business in the priority areas of ladypreneurship in the districts and villages of the region (“Start up” projects), is more active than before the establishment of a structured Council of Businesswomen of EKR. Thus, 209 women addressed for help to the Council in 2015, and for 6 months of 2016 - 110 women.

The Council provides assistance to operating women entrepreneurs, who have addressed to resolve the problems in the business. 579 appeals in 2015 and  633 appeals within 6 months of 2016.

Business women are also involved in social projects, such as "good deeds". Women entrepreneurs have helped 23 families of socially disadvantaged women. In addition, 1st of June were opened 22 charity stores.

"Your involvement in the process of realization of the principles of gender equality is bearing fruit. You are engaged in activities for which no one pays, but you do it because you feel an urge. Thank you for this”, - said Lyazzat Ramazanova.

The head of the Secretariat of the President of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" also informed about the launch of the TV channel "Atameken buisness channel". Lyazzat Ramazanova offered to members of the Board to act as newsmakers - to collect material about the distinguished stories about women entrepreneurs, who succeed in EKR, in order to broadcast it on this channel.

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