
Business ladies plan to develop livestock production in Mangistau

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Prospects of women's entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan were discussed at the II Congress of the Council of Business Women under NCE RK "Atameken"

After the panel session and welcoming speeches of the President of the Management Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov and Lazzat Ramazanova, who heads the Council of Business Women of NCE RK, business women from the regions presented their speeches at the Congress.

Chairman of the Council of Business Women of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Mangistau region Saule Salikhova told about how is implemented the microcredit program in reality. "Mangistau region was among the first four regions where the pilot operation of the micro-credit program with the participation of NCE has been launched. In our region, 49% of the share capital is provided by the regional Akimat and 51% by NCE RK. The total authorized capital amounted to 588 million tenge. The Council of Business Women has insisted on allocation of 150 million tenge specifically for rural women in our region", - she said.

Salikhova noted that by the condition on 15th of May 15 this year, 25 applications were received and processed, 8 of them from women entrepreneurs, accounting for 30%. Women in rural areas are interested in starting sewing shops, cafes, beauty salons and fitness centers, breeding livestock. "After analyzing the results of the visits, meetings with our businesswomen and executive bodies, examining the state of women's entrepreneurship in the Mangistau region, we came to the conclusion that the main priority is the development of animal husbandry. All Encyclopedic handbooks state that in the Soviet time population of camels was about 2 million in our region. Now this population barely reaches 50 thousand. Our task is with the help of rural women to increase the number of camels and horses for the production of environmentally friendly products - shubat, kymyz, ball kaymak, іrіmshіk, which are in great demand among our population", - she said.

"Breeding of quails and ostriches is also suitable for the climatic conditions of the Mangistau region. We need to develop light industry - processing wool, producing blankets, tailoring of economy class, hence - the opening of sewing shops", - added the business woman.

She also noted that in the region there is an acute shortage of kindergartens and educational centers for children and adults, developing centers for children with disabilities, as well as professional courses for middle-aged women.

"We already have a suggestion. A businessman from Iran came, we met the other day. He is willing to volunteer to teach our women to weave carpets, which we, of course, is a very good news", - said Salikhova.

In addition, the head of the Regional Council urged to develop the roadside tourism in the same style in the region, as well as the ethno - and eco-tourism. "All of these areas can and should be developed on the basis of the family business", - she concluded.

The youngest participant of the Congress of the Council of Business Women also delivered the speech - Diana Ratbekova, the main coordinator of the project “UMAIANA”.

"Women, who have decided to start a business, have many needs – these are start-up capital, and the premises for the business, but the most important need is lack of information. You can observe it in all areas, ranging from legal and regulatory norms, ending with global trends, innovations in one or another business. As awareness - is the main foundation for the woman, who become stronger and start to make their first steps in business. We want to solve the problem with the help of platform. Our task is not only to help women entrepreneurs, but to create a common system, to develop an entrepreneurial culture", - she said. – is a progressive business platform with a focus solely on Kazakhstan's business, which is designed to encourage users to engage not only in the traditional forms of business, but also to come up with something of their own, and to share it. "Our platform - is a community that allows Kazakhstani businessmen to communicate freely with each other, to share experiences and to find a profitable partnership, beyond their village, the region", - added Ratbekova.

Deputy chairman of the Chamber of Commerce of Kazakhstan Saltanat Akhanova pointed out in her speech that with such state support of business as in Kazakhstan, it is necessary to develop the role of women's entrepreneurship in international economic cooperation. "Every woman is able to believe in herself and to fulfill her potential, especially because today a lot of tools available for this purpose and lots of capabilities. The Council of Business Women together with the Chamber of Commerce of Kazakhstan should become a conductor in this area and recommend women entrepreneurs to be included in official delegations sent abroad. If such a business mechanism will be launched, we are doomed to successful projects ", - she said.

Akhanova stressed that Kazakh women are the drivers of economic development, in particular in small businesses. "And, as an example of successfully implemented project of women's entrepreneurship in the foreign economic sphere, I would like to note the activities of a native of Kazakhstan, businesswoman Elena Kondakova with the trademark "Baursak" in the Russian Federation. This project - a positive trend today and a promise for energetic, enterprising, strong-willed business woman of Kazakhstan ", - she said.

A pleasant end of the Congress was the awarding ceremony of Business Women of Kazakhstan. Medals "For adherence to the cause" NCE RK "Atameken" of III degree were awarded to heads and members of regional Councils of Business Women, among them - the chairman of the Board of JSC "Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan" Umut Shayakhmetova (Almaty), Director of the Regional Council and the Council of Business Women of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Pavlodar region Raykhangul Satabayeva, director of LLP "Onerpaz" Aliya Bekkuzhieva (Atyrau), Director of the studio "Design Territory" and LLP “Coffee & people”, Chairman of the Council of business women of RCE of Mangistau region Saule Salikhova, Mazhilis deputy Irina Unzhakova (East Kazakhstan region) and Mazhilis deputy Bakytgul Khamenova (Atyrau).

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