
Money taken out of the economy of Kazakhstan in the form of bribes would be enough for 1256 kindergartens

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Such sad statistics was announced by the Deputy Head of the National Anti-corruption Bureau Alik Shpekbayev

Speaking at a meeting of the Council on combating corruption and the shadow economy under the National Chamber of entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken", Shpekbayev cited the data of IMF regarding corruption in the public sector, which every year takes money out of the world economy in the form of bribes in the amount of 1.5-2 trillion USD, or about 2% of global GDP. "In Kazakhstan, 2% of GDP is equal to 1 trillion 250 billion tenge. We have programs for construction of hospitals and schools. With these funds, we could build 628 schools and 1256 kindergartens and within one year to satisfy the need in these social facilities", - he said.

According to Shpekbayev in national companies of Kazakhstan, compared with last year, we can observe this year the growth of corruption. For 4 months, this figure almost twice bigger than last year. At the same time 90% of crimes in the area of ​​procurement in quasi-public sector is committed through theft of budget funds.

The deputy head of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau drew attention to the fact that administrative liability is applied for the violation of the procedures of public procurement, however, only disciplinary actions are applied for the same violations  at national companies.

"In South Korea, public servants who work in the field of public procurement, have to sign the integrity Treaty. In the US and the EU, there are common standards for public procurement - what we discussed today, so that public procurement rules were applied in quasi-public sector ", - he said.

Shpekbayev noted that it is necessary to work out changes and additions to the legislation on the adoption of uniform rules governing the procurement of national companies and holdings. "In addition, you must introduce at national companies the practice of analysis of corruption risks. By analogy with South Korea, we suggest national companies to introduce the practice of conclusion of integrity contracts, every two years to rotate employees of national companies, who are responsible for procurement, as well as to introduce mandatory anti-corruption checks of candidates for employment in the procurement departments in national companies", - he concluded.

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