
Uber reached the market of Astana

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This international technological company is willing to work only with legal entities

Today in the capital of Kazakhstan was signed a memorandum between Akimat of Astana, the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance and the company Uber.

Uber company is known for its mobile application, which allows only in a few clicks to order a car with a driver and then track its movement to the final destination. One of the main requirements, which gave the opportunity to Uber to enter the Kazakhstani market starting with Astana, is the condition to work only with individual entrepreneurs and need to pay for services by a bank card.

This condition was voiced at a briefing for the media and confirmed by the regional manager of Uber for CIS Alex Stakh. Answering the question of the correspondent of about how will be checked whether the driver is an individual entrepreneur or not, he said, that pre-registration process will verify it. Another requirement - no criminal records and participation in criminal trainings, which as assured A. Stakh, will be free.

"We encourage the development of business, we do not hire drivers, we have cars in our pool. We are a platform, we creating a digital exchange, which can be operated by our partners - individual entrepreneurs and legal entities", - said Stakh.

It is interesting that Uber representatives still name their business project a start-up, which, however, has taken roots in 70 countries. Moreover, the company's management believes that the arrival of Uber to Astana will allow to raise the bar of service for Astana residents in need of urgent taxi services. "It is very important that you can call the cab from any part of Astana within 5 minutes. We don’t know how many resources we will need for it", - said A. Stakh. He also expressed confidence that "we help to solve the problem of self-employment, especially in times when economy is transformed and some people lose their jobs".

"We give the opportunity to work legally", - again and again emphasized Uber manager.

This company – is not the first, which offered Astana residents an Internet solution for taxi use. But Uber is the only one which received the official support of akimat of Astana and the fiscal authorities. It is clear that the pioneers in the capital market of online taxi will not be excited about the arrival of such a powerful and eminent competitor. But Uber firmly believes in its prosperity in the capital of Kazakhstan. "We love our competitors, because they help us to get better. We expect that our competitors will be respectful to us, and we will help them to get better", - concluded A. Stakh.

Zhanar Serdalina

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