
Senators suspended the Land Code

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Kazakhstani Parliament has voted for a moratorium of some provisions of the Land Code

Senate deputies at the plenary session today adopted a law on the suspension of certain provisions of the Land Code.

The document was presented by the Vice-Minister of Agriculture Yerlan Nysanbaev. He recalled that the draft law has been developed in accordance with the Decree of the President of RK dated by 6th of May 2016 on a moratorium on certain provisions of the land Code.

"The draft law introduced moratorium until 31st of December  2016: first of all, on the application of the provisions on the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated by November 2, 2015 "On amendments and additions to the Land Code of RK", and second of all, the provision the right on temporary use of land for agricultural purposes to foreigners, stateless persons, foreign legal persons and legal entities in the authorized capital of which the share of foreigners, stateless persons, foreign legal entities is more than 50% of. Third of all, on provision of state-owned agricultural land plots in the private ownership to natural or legal persons ", - said the deputy minister.

"Implementation of the project will not require additional expenditures from the national budget and will not cause negative social, economic and legal consequences. There is no for further reduction of other legislative acts in conformity with the developed draft law", - said Erlan Nysanbaev.

This law was passed in the second reading. According to Parliament's rules, the document shall be deemed accepted by Parliament and submitted for signing to the Head of State.

Zhanar Serdalina

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