
Investment attractiveness of companies will be assessed by national ratings

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"Atameken" and the Rating Agency of the Regional Financial Centre of Almaty signed a cooperation agreement

Cooperation between the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" and the Rating Agency is aimed at creating favorable conditions for the development of the rating system, as well as the development and popularization of rating institution in the professional and expert community (improvement of the legislation in terms of credit and debt ratings of national rating agencies).

It is planned within the frames of the cooperation of NCE RK "Atameken" and JSC "RA of RFCA" to improve the rating methodology; introduction of the national rankings as a tool for evaluation of investment attractiveness of companies and improvement of risk management system with use of the results of rating agencies’ assessments.

For realization of tasks, the parties plan to carry out analytical studies, the publication of information materials, organization of joint seminars, conferences, round tables, devoted to the improvement and the use of the rating system. It is planned to conduct ratings of the companies, referred to financial and real sectors of the economy, financial institutions, microfinance institutions, and others. In terms of solvency, corporate governance, financial stability of the companies.

Formation and widespread use of ratings contributes to the development of the stock market and real sector by ensuring transparency, providing objective information to potential investors about the issuer and market entities. In addition, the use of ratings stimulates the increased openness of industries and individual companies, the formation of a favorable investment climate, the function of the independent monitoring of the financial and real sectors, creating incentives for improvement of the competitiveness of domestic companies, and, in general, is a necessary attribute of market discipline.

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