
Bolat Palymbetov: "You have versatile business, and it does not depend on oil and gas"

- Zhambyl Region
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The Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan encouraged entrepreneurs to be more active during the reporting meeting of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Zhambyl region with the regional entrepreneurs

Meeting with Taraz entrepreneurs, the Business Ombudsman listened to their pressing problems. Local merchants, using the moment told the chief defender of the business the main problems that prevent successful and efficient business development.

In support of their words the director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Zhambyl region Karlygash Aralbekova reported about administrative barriers, hindering the development of the regional business.

"During the reporting period the Chamber of Entrepreneurs received 90 complaints on legal issues. During the same period of the last year, it recorded 68 complaints. In just 2.5 years the Chamber received 531 appeals", - informed the head of RCE, adding that the Chamber was able to protect the rights of business amounting to 3,913 billion tenge.

The first deputy akim of Zhambyl region Bekbolat Orynbekov told about support of business investment projects by the state, saying that in the first five years of SPFIID were implemented 33 investment projects worth 123.3 billion tenge. In the second five-year period 27 projects worth 555.3 billion tenge will be implemented.

After hearing the concerns and aspirations of the entrepreneurs of Taraz, Bolat Palymbetov noted that "Zhambyl entrepreneurs are unique".

"You have a versatile business, and it does not depend on oil and gas, - said Bolat Palymbetov. - You have to move forward now.

Businessmen asked questions and shared with the Business Ombudsman their pressing problems. So, the management of the construction company shared its problems, which bought an unfinished building at the auction. Now it is forced to be responsible for the obligations of the previous developer to equity holders. Businessman, producing leather shoes for children complained on unavailability of loans for rural entrepreneurs, etc.

The Business Ombudsman for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs Bolat Palymbetov took under control all issues, and recommended to solve them together with local executive and law enforcement agencies, noting that 90% of the problems and issues that come to Astana could be resolved in the regions.

At the end of the reporting meeting, the Business Ombudsman held a personal reception of entrepreneurs regarding violations of their rights and systematic problems of business.

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