
Kazakhstan has managed to retain the growth of the manufacturing industry

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Our country – is the only one in the EAEU, which managed to keep the pace of industrial development

According to the Minister for Investment and Development Zhenis Kasymbek processing industry remained in the positive zone in Kazakhstan. The minister stated this during the meeting on the outcome of industrialization of the first half of 2016 under the chairmanship of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Reporting on the results, the minister said that "in the past year, compared to 2014, the volume of industrial production decreased by 1.6 percent". Basically, this was due to the fall of the mining sector. "The manufacturing industry has remained in the positive zone and continues to show a similar trend in the current year. The safety margin, provided by the industrial program, which you, Nursultan Nazarbayev, initiated in 2009, allows Kazakhstan to be the only member of the Eurasian Economic Union, whose actual production in the manufacturing industry in 2015, and up to now remains positive", - said Zhenis Kasymbek , referring to the head of state.

According to the minister, share of innovative enterprises doubled in Kazakhstan, expenditures of enterprises on technological innovation increased by more than 5 and a half times, reaching 635 billion tenge a year. "This means that domestic enterprises really realized the need to modernize their production and productivity", - summed Zh. Kasymbek.

Commenting on the results of the industrialization, the President noted that it is important not to stop at the present achievements.

"During the years of industrialization, we have started to produce more than 500 new brand new products that Kazakhstan has never produced. We all know and say that the fourth industrial revolution is on now, that is, the global economy enters a new stage, completely new and innovative scientific and technical products appear. We must be prepared to meet these challenges, so last year I gave an instruction to update the industrialization program based on the new global reality", - said N. Nazarbayev.

"It will be very difficult to do this, because the base of Kazakhstan is poorly prepared for innovative products. We must strive through the industrial and innovative program to achieve these results. I am glad that our working population, leaders are focused precisely on this ", - said the President of Kazakhstan.

Zhanar Serdalina

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