
"Made in Kazakhstan" for America

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Kazakhstani products will appear on American shelves

Domestic entrepreneurs discussed with American colleagues cooperation.

At the initiative of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" was held an extended meeting of the Kazakhstani producers with the head of the American company “Roberts Group” Michael Roberts, who came to our country with the aim of exploring the possibilities of trade and economic cooperation with Kazakhstan.

This meeting is the result of the working visit of Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Nurzhan Altaev to the United States.

Representatives of development institutions, the Chamber of Commerce and the largest domestic producers of food products, such as Kostanay confectionery factory "Bayan Sulu", "Corporation Tsesna-Astyk", wine producer “Arba wine”, “Bekker and K”, “Rakhat” and many others attended the enlarged meeting.

"Today there is a unique opportunity to get clarification from the American side about the "rules of the game" on the market, learn to requirements must comply domestic products for export to the US. Michael Roberts responded positively to the development of trade and economic relations with Kazakhstan on a long term basis, with a focus on the import of Kazakh products, attracting US technologies and investments in the Republic of Kazakhstan", - said the director of department of development of SMEs of NCE RK "Atameken" Kayrzhan Ibraev.

We also discussed the issues of Kazakhstan's output of products to the US market. In particular, the placement of products "Made in Kazakhstan" on the shelves of the "Walmart" trade network.

Samples of some types of goods have been transferred to the Walmart office for further examination and the quality of compliance, it is worth noting that many manufacturers are planning to send their best samples of goods.

Following the meeting, the sides exchanged contacts for further negotiations, agreed to start negotiations on the conditions of access to the trading networks, on the requirements for the product. In addition, a decision on the conclusion of a memorandum of cooperation between NCE RK "Atameken" and the company “Roberts Group”.

Reference: Michael Lee Roberts is the head of the consulting company "Roberts Group", a representative of the US retail company Wal-Mart Stores Inc, operating under the trade mark Walmart.

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