
Timur Kulibayev: "The Government and business community of EKR should improve together the business climate in the region"

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The Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" gave this assessment of the activity of Akimat and RCE during a visit to the East Kazakhstan region.

Timur Kulibayev visited Athletics Center named after O. Rypakov, Ust-Kamenogorsk milk factory, and then at the enlarged meeting of the Regional Council met with the business community of the region.

 Head of "Atameken" has identified priorities of NCE.

The main topics of discussion of the participants of the meeting were issues of support for domestic producers in public procurement, support of foreign investors, inspections of state bodies, the problems of availability of financing, including for women's entrepreneurship.

"The work of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs is customer-oriented, the analysis showed that more than 2,000 enterprises come across the same 9 systemic problems", - the director of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs Igor Shatsky informed the head of NCE.

The complexity of the sales of goods, made by domestic producers, access to financial resources and state programs, the provision of land plots and administrative barriers, procurement and local content, problematic issues of AIC, tax administration, trade, prices - these are the main priority points on which the Chamber of entrepreneurs actively works.

RCE considers it’s a primary task - to organize after render control of the use of domestic products after the conclusion of contracts on state procurement and the inclusion of local commodities at the design stage.

"It is necessary to enable transition to a manual management during the purchase of goods and works by the budgetary sphere and national companies", - expressed his opinion Igor Shatsky.

Director of RCE focused on the achievements of the Chamber. According to him, they were able to achieve practical application to change the measure of restraint to the bail, which was previously not applied in EKR .

Also, the 50% participation of business in the Land Commissions allowed to reduce the number of refusals in provision of land plots to 25%.

In the field of licensing procedures for businesses, the Chamber together with the Akimat and the prosecutor's office have managed to reduce unnecessary document requirements by 85% and reduce the actual timing of the provision of procedures by 15-20%.

The results of the work of the protection of business is also punishment of 30 officials for violation of the rights of entrepreneurs, these include: criminal cases, removal from office, bringing to administrative and disciplinary action.

Close and fruitful cooperation is held with the Regional Prosecutor's Office.

76 sessions of the Council under the Prosecutor’s Office were held during the period, at which were considered 133 issues of business. Of the total number, more than 60% were positively.

Representatives of the Chamber of entrepreneurs protect entrepreneurs during the trials. More than 63 trials were held with the participation of the Chamber, 80% of which were decided in favor of entrepreneurs.

There were created databases of young entrepreneurs. There were formed registers of domestic producers by different categories.

At the initiative of RCE 12 charity stores were opened in the districts of East Kazakhstan region.

"In general, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of East Kazakhstan region works in close cooperation with local executive and law enforcement agencies. The number of applications from entrepreneurs has increased, compared to the same period last year. This suggests that the trust of entrepreneurs to the Chamber grows. We do our utmost to justify this trust", - summed up his speech the director of RCE.

"In my opinion, this is a very clear example of interaction between business and the Government. You improve the business climate in the region by simple steps that do not require any effort or money", - said Timur Kulibayev, evaluating the work of RCE.

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