
KANKTD recognized internationally

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Kazakhstan Association of Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics passed the procedure of recognition at the International Organization for Non-Destructive Testing (ICNDT)

As a result of the procedure of recognition of independent industry certification system (training) of experts, held in Munich at the Assembly of ICNDT, where Kazakhstan Association of Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics (KANKTD) is a voting member of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was signed the MRA.

Together with KANKTD, NDT National Society of Denmark underwent recognition procedure at ICNDT.

This recognition was preceded by a long and painstaking 6 year work of members of the Kazakhstan Association of Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics, representatives of small and medium-sized businesses in the field of professional services. Only by uniting efforts of like-minded people, KANKTD was able to create on its basis the Technical Committee 76 "Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics", which is a member of the ITC 515 "Non-destructive testing" and TC 135 the ISO "Non-Destructive Testing", to develop a (harmonized) required primary list of industry standards in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Representatives of KANKTD are included in the working groups of ICNDT and EFNDT, participate in the meetings of ISO TC 135 subcommittees.

Kazakhstan Association of Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics is a partner of the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian society of non-destructive testing and technical diagnostics, the National Societies of Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Georgia. This cooperation allows specialized in the field of NDT business entities on the territory of our countries to help in the solution of human, technological and licensing issues.

Together with the world leaders in production of equipment and NDT technologies, such as GE and the OLYMPUS, in 2015 - 2016 Kazakhstan Association of Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics organized free training of its members programs to new technologies Advanced NDT. Previously, the specialists with such qualifications in Kazakhstan could be found only in foreign companies.

Kazakhstan Association of Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics together with Iteca holds an annual international exhibition and conference NDT Kazakhstan, where foreign manufacturers bring new technologies and equipment in the field of NDT for Kazakh companies that do not have the opportunity to visit foreign activities.

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