
Pavlodar region is famous for its entrepreneurial spirit

- Pavlodar Region
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This was stated by the Commissioner for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov during a meeting with the regional business community

One of the priority directions of activity of the Chamber of entrepreneurs has been and continues to be the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of business.

Most often entrepreneurs complain about the decisions and actions of the tax authorities, on the ​​procurement, land relations, construction, as well as the actions of monopolists. The Ombudsman informed directly the leadership of the region and the prosecutor's office  about all these problematic issues.

"Pavlodar region has always been famous as a major industrial center, which is a driver of the economy. The entrepreneurial spirit is very well-developed here. To effectively use the potential of the region, we need to combine the efforts of the business community for the joint study of key problematic issues. Our task is to assist the business in opening of new enterprises and creation of jobs. We must comprehensively accompany projects", - said Bolat Palymbetov.

The Commissioner for the Protection of the rights of entrepreneurs drew the attention of those present, that the main purpose of the visit is a meeting with regional businessmen. He expressed his willingness to answer any question.

In addition, the Business Ombudsman urged entrepreneurs to participate actively in the ongoing work on improvement of the business climate in the region.

"Each of your question, complaint or suggestion won’t be left without attention. They will be carefully considered, analyzed and taken under control. Each proposal will be taken into account", - summed Palymbetov.

In total, the meeting was attended by about 70 businessmen, 17 of them shared their problems during a personal reception. It is worth noting that the largest number of questions concern the state procurement, land relations, businessmen also complain on the fact that state bodies do not follow the court rulings.

According to the Ombudsman, more than 90% of all incoming complaints can be resolved locally. In this sense, the good support are changes to the law "On Entrepreneurship". Innovations provide additional protection of business and increase the degree of confidence to the executive authorities.

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