
Bolat Palymbetov: "Business got stronger and began to talk openly about its problems and needs"

- Atyrau Region
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Atyrau entrepreneurs ask for the Business Ombudsman's help in dealing with land issues

The most topical problem of businessmen of the Atyrau region is related to land issues.

The lack of transparency in the system of distribution of land plots by the local executive bodies, expressed in the secrecy of information about the presence or absence of the detailed planning of projects, lack of access to information about the availability of free land plots, delay  the time of consideration of applications for obtaining land plots, the extension of land use rights, as well as changes in their purpose, gross non-compliance with standards of public services in the sphere of land relations.

With such problems Atyrau businessmen appealed to the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov, who arrived in the region on a working visit to review the situation.

An entrepreneur Sapargeldy Utepbaev for three years can’t get a permission to build a private kindergarten on the purchased land plot.

"In 2007, I purchased a land plot of. However, to this day I can’t get the permission. The city administration told me that at this place will be built a playground, they offered me another land plot. I conducted a survey among residents of 300 people who live nearby, more than 200 were in favor of the construction of a kindergarten. One kindergarten is already working for several years, that is, I proved that I can deal with this kind of business, but my question is still open", - complains the entrepreneur.

Another business representative Bakhyt Iskhakova also has big claims to the activities of state bodies in the sphere of land relations. The businessman with many years of experience tells us that since 2012, she can’t get any response to a request on the issue of a land plot.

"No deadlines for the reception and registration of applications are observed, people get unmotivated refusals. It lasts for several years. Since last year, land plots are available through auctions. I took part in one of the auctions, I am unhappy with the whole procedure of its holding. The Commission is composed entirely of representatives of state bodies. Why not include the representatives of the Chamber of entrepreneurs in it, so that we can believe in their transparency", - said Bakhyt Iskhakova.

Rural entrepreneurs have the same problems. Absence of general plans in a number of areas, detailed plans poses a serious problem for business. Information on free land plots remains closed for business.

In addition to the land, at a meeting with the Business Ombudsman, Atyrau entrepreneurs have raised a number of other issues. In particular, related to taxation procedures, some legislative acts that occur when working with the judicial authorities, participation in public procurement and product sales.

For example, the general director of "ZhigerMunayServis" Askhat Duysaliev says that project of a future expansion of a major oil company "Tengizchevroil" with an investment of 37 billion tenge, which is now underway opens up great opportunities for local entrepreneurs. However, there arises the following problem. Equipment and components, imported from abroad are subject to considerable customs duties and VAT, so that the final cost of local products has grown significantly. As a result, it is easier for a customer to buy it once abroad than to buy from domestic producers. Therefore, the entrepreneur proposes to consider the option of establishing a special economic regime for domestic producers in the framework of this project.

The meeting was attended by akim of the Atyrau region Nurlan Nogayev. He assured that all the issues voiced today will be taken into account and the regional administration will try to assist the solution of every business problem. Appropriate instructions received Serik Shapkenov, the newly appointed akim of Atyrau.

Summing up the meeting, the Commissioner for the Protection of the rights of entrepreneurs Palymbetov Bolat noted that the Atyrau region – is 14 in a row of regions, which he visited during his working trip. The main purpose of the trip – is to meet personally with business – community of each region, to learn about their concerns and to help to solve them.

"I am pleased to see that the Atyrau region is gradually moving away from oil and gas focus, the region implemented a lot of business - projects in other sectors of the economy. I would also like to note that the business got stronger, began to talk openly about its problems and needs, that is, become a full partner of the state. I am sure, there are problems, but they are brought for discussion, and, accordingly, are solved. And my task in the capacity of the Business Ombudsman is to protect the rights of entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan, and the task of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs is to help in this process", - summed up Bolat Palymbetov.

After the meeting the Atyrau entrepreneurs were able to have a personal appointment with the Business Ombudsman. There were many volunteers. The meeting lasted about three hours.

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