
Grain imports to Ethiopia is not so scary

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Kazakhstani business is expected to fight actively for market of this African country

"Punching, pushing the competitors”. This encouragement to the Kazakh businessmen gave the Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Yerlik Ali. He noted that the grain market of Ethiopia is one of the largest in the world with a population of 100 million people. “Certainly, it is an economic and to some extent political question, - grain market in Ethiopia, the United States, Russia and Australia, and Argentina are fighting for it. That is, you need to break through, pushing the competitors", - said the diplomat at a briefing at the MFA of RK.

"We were tried to supply grain to Ethiopia, but the Kazakh businessmen are still a little bit afraid to go there. Secondly, it is necessary, it stand in queue in the port of Novorossiysk to deliver the grain. First comes Russian grain, and only then Kazakhstani grain, there is such a moment", - said the Ambassador.

Meanwhile Yerlik Ali added that grain supply in Ethiopia is possible through the Iranian seaport Bandar Abbas, with the assistance of the Iranian partners. The Ambassador noted that in this case sending of goods is available through Bandar Abbas to Djibouti, and from there - to Ethiopia.

"Ethiopia is satisfied with the quality of our grain, they are willing to buy it from us, but there are channels and routes, which hinder the development of trade relations with this country. I think that this time the obstacles that may well be resolved with the efforts of our companies, Food Corporation, may be selected businessmen", - said E. Ali.

The diplomat cited expert evidence that the Ethiopian grain market is characterized as a market with a sustainable and dynamic growth trend of 2.5 to 5% per year. "The growth of the Ethiopian population is approximately 2.5% per year. If today it is a hundred million people, tomorrow - 102 million, 105 million the day after, and 20 years later - already 125 million", - said Yerlik Ali.

"But, to confess, Kazakhstani businessmen are afraid of uncertainty. But I think, in vain, in the end, the Embassy of Kazakhstan is always ready to assist local entrepreneurs in solving any problems. In the long-term we can conclude an agreement with the Ethiopians on cooperation, to avoid double taxation and to protect investments. But trade sometimes does not require it, we have become members of the WTO, we are protected to some extent, although Ethiopia is an observer, they have not yet joined the WTO", - concluded the Ambassador.

Zhanar Serdalina

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