
NCE monitors all procurements in Kazakhstan

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An extended meeting in the format of a video conference was held at "Atameken". The topic of the discussion was the activities of the created working commissions on increasing the local content in the procurement.

The extended meeting was attended by responsible persons in charge of procurement at NCE RK, JSC National Welfare Fund "Samruk-Kazyna", the Regional Chambers of Entrepreneurs, the business community and representatives of all the regional subsidiaries and affiliates of JSC "Samruk-Kazyna", which are included in the composition of the created regional commissions. Topical issues of procurement procedures, working committees, and were discussed proposals of NCE RK on automation of processes and monitoring of the activities of the established working committees.

Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Eldos Ramazanov made a presentation of the information system of NCE RK (internal tool of NCE RK), which will automate the activities of established working committees and will facilitate the creation of the monitoring system of carried out procurements in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

"We are now actively negotiating with the "Center of E-Commerce". We already have an agreement that we will receive on-line information on all procurements - carried out and planned. We are negotiating with "Samruk-Kazyna Contract", in principle, there is understanding. We are also negotiating with NADLOC”, - said Eldos Ramazanov.

The deputy head of NCE talked about the information portal “Business Register”, which is introduced by the Chamber. He said that the portal will contain information on all areas of procurement: public procurement, procurement of quasi-public sector and procurement of subsoil users, it will enable entrepreneurs to get all relevant data in a "single window" format, as well as allow to build business relationships in the horizontal plane in B2B format.

"Business Register was launched a month ago in a test mode. At present, the system registered about 4260 potential domestic producers. There are 26 thousand visits to the website. More than 500 juridical entities actively use their personal account ", - stated Ramazanov.

In addition, at the enlarged meeting were covered issues of introduction of independent industry experts of NCE RK, who will participate in the development of technical specifications and assignments prior to their approval. At the moment, a pool of independent industry experts of NCE RK is being formed (so far 32 experts were identified for 6 branches). It should be noted that the requirement of the industry expertise of the technical specifications and assignments was approved at the new standards of the procurement at JSC "Samruk-Kazyna".

In turn, General Director of "Samruk-Kazyna Contract" Serikbek Yelshibekov announced the launch of the pre-qualification procedure of selection (PPS) of suppliers to participate in procurement of the companies of JSC "National Welfare Fund "Samruk-Kazyna". He noted that in the future procurement of the Fund will be restricted to qualified potential suppliers who have passed PPS. And to increase the transparency of the process, technical audits, as part of PPS procedure will be carried out directly on the production site of suppliers, with the participation of international auditors and clients, with the possibility of involvement of representatives of NCE RK "Atameken".

"Now we invite local entrepreneurs to take an active part in the passage of this procedure and verifying the quality of produced goods and rendered services. It should be noted that the development of PPS methodology took place with the direct participation of representatives of NCE "Atameken" and the business community of Kazakhstan. In addition, in the course of PPS, it is planned to include verification of industrial certificate of NCE, which will contribute to a more detailed monitoring of the development of domestic enterprises of Kazakhstan ", - said Serikbek Yelshibekov.

It was also noted at the meeting that JSC "Samruk-Kazyna" works under the program of promoting the modernization of existing and creation of new production facilities, designed for 2014-2022. The purpose of this program lies in the import reduction in purchases of companies of "Samruk-Kazyna".

Finally, Yelshibekov spoke in detail about the work of the portal "Marketing in the procurement of "Samruk-Kazyna", which was developed and implemented for the convenience of not only customers, but also entrepreneurs.

In December 2015 the Chairman of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev and the Chairman of the Board of the National Welfare Fund "Samruk-Kazyna" Umirzak Shukeyev signed a Cooperation Agreement.

In every region of the Republic of Kazakhstan was established a working committee on support of domestic producers in public procurement and in the procurement of quasi-public sector.

On 19th of May 2016 was signed a cooperation agreement on support of Kazakhstani producers with 8 major subsidiaries of Samruk-Kazyna (JSC "NC" Kazakhstan Temir Zholy ", JSC" NAC "Kazatomprom", JSC "NC" KazMunayGas", JSC "KEGOC"; JSC "NC" Kazakhstan engineering", JSC "Kazakhtelecom", JSC "Tau-Ken Samruk ", JSC" Samruk-Energo "), the share of purchases of which is 93.7% of the total purchases of Samruk-Kazyna. In this case, the total amount of purchases of the companies of JSC "Samruk-Kazyna" in 2016 amounted to 3 196 billion tenge.

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