
Suppliers of cash-registers with online data transfer decided to unite

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It was decided to create the Association of the Centers of Technical maintenance at the conference of the Centers of Technical Maintenance in Almaty

On 1st of July 2015 the rule on mandatory application of cash registers (CR) with data transfer function entered into force in Kazakhstan. Entrepreneurs violently reacted to this reform. The business community has expressed the opinion that it should be postponed. The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" has repeatedly raised this issue, mediating between business and the state. At the site of NCE were held a lot of meetings, which resulted in the decision to give businesses a transitional period, and state agencies have promised not to penalize those who do not comply with the new law.

Now, the two largest suppliers of online cash registers in the Republic of Kazakhstan - GK "PORT" and the company "VIA-KA" organized a conference, which was attended by representatives of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of RK, the Operator of fiscal data - JSC "Kazakhtelecom", large Kazakhstani retailers and taxpayers, using in their work online cash registers, as well as representatives of the National Chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken". The purpose of the event - is the consolidation of the common efforts of all market participants related to the cash registers with online data transfer function, to create the civilized market to promote further online cash registers in Kazakhstan. It was decided to create a common industry association to solve these problems.

As it was noted by the director of the company "PORT" Oleg Lukin, the idea of ​​creation of an independent association of Centers of Technical Maintenance is not new. A similar association was created in 1998. This organization worked for a long time and fruitfully in its active phase. The most important achievement of it was the fact that between CTM and the Tax Committee at the time was established a clear interaction and registered all the rules and regulations governing the work of CTM.

"After that, there were several attempts to create such associations, but so far they have not led to the unification of all CTM. A union is needed now more than ever. The legislation changes to the root, as well as the state's attitude to fiscal policy, and cash register equipment, in particular. More than a year has passed since the introduction of the new law requiring certain groups of taxpayers to use cash registers with online data transfer function. In the course of implementation of this provision the bulk of the work fell on the shoulders of CTM, which, in addition to selling online cash registers, had to carry out explanatory work among taxpayers. At the same time, this work is often conducted on the level of speculation, as neither SRC nor JSC "Kazakhtelecom" - the operator of fiscal data, did not set clear objectives and established specific rules", - he said.

As a result, according to Lukin, currently, CTM accumulated a lot of questions to the process of interaction between SRC and the Operator of fiscal data on the one hand, and with taxpayers, on the other. "We need a unifying body to unite all CTM of Kazakhstan, which will bring together all the issues and problems of CTMs, which arise in the course of interaction with SRC, Operator of fiscal data and taxpayers and will try to solve these issues", - he concluded.

This opinion is shared by the director of "VIA-KA" Galina Doltes. "The issue of creating a single, independent organization of CTM is very relevant. Collection of taxes depends on the correct operation of cash registers. This means that there must be established a clear and understandable relationship between SRC and CTM. Once these rules have been, but now for some reason, SRC thinks that the responsibility and the work of CTM is not so important. The past year has shown that this is not so. The correctness and consistency of work of all CTM affects the progress of the implementation of the new cash policy. And in the new reality, when in the process of the relationship between the taxpayer and the SRC appeared an operator of fiscal data, the role of CTM only increases",- she said.

According Doltes, the initial stage of installation of cash registers with online data transmission function showed that the calculations that each taxpayer can log in and register or deregister a cash register on its own, failed to materialize. Computer literacy of SMEs is very low. In this regard, all the work on registration, activation of cash registers, creation of a new account on the server, and so on was put on the shoulders of CTM. In addition, CTM employees had to learn on their own how work the new cash registers and operation of all business processes associated with online cash registers, often having very little information. This conference has shown how many questions CTMs have for SRC and JSC "Kazakhtelecom", as the operator of fiscal data (OFD).

"There are a lot questions for us, quite often of technical nature, as suppliers of cash registers. All this is due to the fact that there is no clear, coherent policy between all the participants of this process, there is no single data base on technical and legal matters. Therefore, the majority of CTM understands that now more than ever it is necessary to unite in the Association and to solve pressing issues together. As everyone needs uniform and clear rules. It is necessary to put things in order at all CTMs to create prerequisites for fair competition. It requires introduction of uniform requirements and regulations by public authorities, since CTMs are a separate link in the chain of fiscal policy ", - she said.

As a result of the debate at the conference by a majority vote decided to set up an independent branch of the Association of Centers of Technical Maintenance (CTM) of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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