
FAO promises new opportunities for agriculture in Kazakhstan

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Nurzhan Altaev discussed with the Head of the Liaison Office of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in the Republic of Kazakhstan Branko Bolatovich the cooperation issues

At the meeting, Deputy Chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Nurzhan Altaev said that "Atameken" is interested in cooperation with FAO. He also spoke about the work of NCE in promotion of the development of agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan.

Branko Bolatovich informed about activities of FAO's in general, as well as the problems faced by the Liaison Office in Kazakhstan. Thus, according to him, the FAO, as an international organization, provides comprehensive expertise in the development and implementation of the national agricultural policy, implementation of projects in various priority areas, provides access to attraction of grants from various funds and investments from international financial institutions. The expert stressed that, apart from this, there are many other possibilities for the realization of projects in different areas in which FAO can act as a catalyst for investment.

During the meeting the Kazakh side discussed the possibility of study and application through FAO of international experience in dealing with pressing challenges, such as improving access of agribusiness entities to finances (including the strengthening of work on provision of micro-loans), improving the efficiency of subsidies, Kazakhstan’s winning the niche in the world market in the production of organic products, etc..

Nurzhan Altaev offered to sign a framework document between NCE RK "Atameken" and FAO, which will set the direction for cooperation in the field of agriculture, and expressed the willingness to intensify cooperation with FAO.

Reference: FAO - this is the largest UN agency, founded in 1945. The organization has offices in more than 90 countries, 5 regional offices on all continents, five sub-regional offices and Liaison offices.

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