
Fur coats, fur can’t be imported without a chip

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On 12th of August this year, on the territory of the EAEU comes into force an agreement on the implementation of a pilot project for the introduction of labeling of fur products in 2015-2016

According to this document, garments of mink, nutria, from fox or fox, rabbit or hare, raccoon and sheepskin are subject to mandatory labeling.

NCE draws attention of domestic entrepreneurs that from the date of entry into force of the Agreement it is prohibited to acquire, to store, to use, to transport and to sell fur products without a check digit on the territory of the Member States of the Union. (Check digit – is the form of the strict reporting with elements of protection against counterfeiting and built-in radio frequency RFID-label, designed for labeling).

Thus, since 12th of August of the current year on the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union in turnover can be only fur products with relevant control digits.

However, the application of the control digits on fur coats is impossible without putting the list of information about the product in the information system for labeling.

Currently, such systems operate only in the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation on the basis of the adopted national legal acts.

In Kazakhstan, work on the adoption of necessary laws and the creation of an information system has already begun and will soon be completed.

Add that that these circumstances - a mismatch of terms coming into force of the Agreement and the readiness of the relevant infrastructure and the regulatory framework of the project, carry risks for local entrepreneurs in the production, import and circulation of fur products.

On 12th of August this year state revenue committee has a legitimate right to demand the presence of control digits on the goods to be labeled, during the customs clearance of goods reflected in the accounting as a finished product, as well as the sale of goods.

In this regard, NCE RK "Atameken" officially addresses to the State Revenue Committee on the need to notify the territorial state revenue bodies on non-proliferation of the norms of the Agreement on the fur trade in the Republic of Kazakhstan until adoption of the necessary national laws and start up of the system.

As a result of this work, all comprehensive information will be posted on the official website of NCE -

Currently, the Department of economic integration of NCE RK is working to clarify the rules of the Agreement, informing and training entrepreneurs of the project. For all additional questions, please contact the Department by phone: 8 7172 91 93 73.

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