
Legalize and sleep well!

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Kazakhstani residents were encouraged to be more active in the legalization process

Fiscal authorities positively assess the pace of the action, but are waiting for more participants

Out of two trillion tenge declared for legalization 2.3 trillion tenge have already been legalized, there were examined over 100 thousand applications from individuals and legal entities. "The amount of legalized funds has grown from 28 to 200 billion tenge, the range of legalization of objects has expanded - these are business objects, and accommodations. Moreover, the geography of legalization", - said at a briefing at the Service of Central Communications the director of the department of development and modernization of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yerzhan Birzhanov.

"Since the introduction of amendments and additions the sum of legalized property amounted to 460 billion tenge, after amendments the amount of legalized funds reached 1.6 trillion KZT in December. That is, the rate of legalization has increased 5 times ", - noted Y. Bizhanov.

At the same time the representative of the Ministry of Finance added that "Kazakhstan has acceded to the Strasbourg Agreement, on which there is an interchange on the property and money held abroad". The participants of it are 90 countries and more than 20 offshore jurisdictions. Yerzhan Bizhanov added, in addition, within the framework of cooperation with the OECD "prepared and has declared connection of Kazakhstan to the Agreement on the exchange of data, which requires an annual exchange on open accounts data. "It's all a measure to track all people who did not declare and have not taken out of the shadow funds, real estate, a different will be carried out with them. Therefore, I would like to bring to attention of Kazakhstani residents that there is a chance before the end of 2017 to legalize property and funds legally and freely", - said Y. Bizhanov.

Zhanar Serdalina

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