
Digits versus paper: virtual storages will be opened

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Taxpayers of Kazakhstan will be able to store their data on the Internet via the new online services

In the near future the procedure of movement of goods at the customs territory may be simplified. "To facilitate the movement of goods at the customs territory, it is planned to use the module" Virtual Warehouse " within IS "Electronic invoice", this will facilitate the procedure of registration of electronic invoices - invoices in the IS "EI" in proportion to the volume, capitalized on a virtual stock", - said at the briefing at the Service of Central Communications the Chairman of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan Daulet Ergozhin.

Head of the Committee noted that these measures will help to write electronic invoices in mutual trade with the EAEU countries and other countries, including transmit in real-time information on issued invoices to the customs authorities of the EAEU countries.

Recall, the current legislation provides for a phased transition to a compulsory statement of invoices in an electronic form. On 1st of January 2016 the authorized economic operators have passed to the electronic accounting. From 1st of July 2016 - customs agents, customs carriers, owners of temporary storage warehouses and customs warehouses. And from 1st of January 2020, electronic invoice will become mandatory for all VAT payers.

According to Daulet Yergozhin, by the condition on 1st of June 2016, 28.5 thousand users of the Information System "Electronic invoice" were registered in Kazakhstan. They issued 4.7 million invoices. Turnover amounted to 1.2 trillion tenge.

Zhanar Serdalina

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