
Credit Bureau Day

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First Credit Bureau of Kazakhstan takes part in the social campaign "International Day of Credit Bureau.

Credit bureau Day – is a large-scale social action, which is conducted by the credit bureau of Creditinfo Group in more than 20 countries around the world. On this day, the credit bureau provides credit reports absolutely free of charge for SMEs. This year, the Credit Bureau Day falls on 22nd of September.

The campaign draws attention to the importance of business credit history, contributes to the formation of payment discipline and establishment of communication between business and credit institutions.

If you wish to become a member of a large-scale international event the Credit Bureau Day, please complete the registration form.

Memo to the participants:

1. Any entrepreneur of RK can become a participant of the event. Individual entrepreneurs are also eligible to take part in the event.

2. You can fill only one registration form per entity.

3. The registration data shall be authentic. Since getting of a corporate credit report will be made after confirmation of the electronic digital signature (EDS) of a company, it is necessary to indicate BIN in the registration data, including IIN of the person on whose name was released the electronic signature.

4. The report will be generated upon request on the Dashboard on the portal of the First Credit Bureau in the period from 22nd of September to 22nd of October 2016. If you have additional questions, please contact the service center FCB

If you wish to become a member of a large-scale international event - the Credit Bureau Day please fill in the registration form on the portal First Credit Bureau

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