
Kazakhstan will supply meat to China in 2016

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The Ministry of Agriculture and NCE RK "Atameken" clarified the situation with the export of agricultural products to China

At a briefing at the Ministry of Agriculture Deputy Minister Gulmira Isayeva and Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Dana Zhunusova informed on the progress of negotiations on the supply of meat and other agricultural products to China.

Deputy Minister said that today the first two stages of the process have already been passed: the documentary analysis and the procedure of audit of veterinary services. In addition, Kazakhstan will be allowed to combine the two stages - assessment of the system for monitoring food safety and inspection of specific companies, so on the basis of inspection the part of domestic enterprises will receive specific authorization for the supply of products to the PRC.

"We clearly understand that the export of products will be executed in the second half of 2016. We expect that within two months, these procedures are completed, and our farmers will deliver the products", - she said.

Isayev noted that the Kazakh meat can be very competitive in the huge Chinese market. "We have the advantage - we can supply premium meat. This requires certification of production. We want to carry out this work quickly so our meat passes as organic. Then it will be on the shelves of Chinese stores together with premium products. In China, the meat is worth 6-8 USD – it is a very good and attractive price for Kazakh producers, and the price increase by 3-5 times with the label "organic"", - she said.

The Vice Minister also said that Kazakhstan will export agricultural products to China under a single umbrella brand “Qazaq organic food”. "Why do we need an umbrella brand? It would be very difficult for one farmer to get to the Chinese market, we will need to win the trust of the Chinese consumer. And when the Chinese get used to it in a few years, individuals will be able to enter the market. It is too early to say that we will flood the Chinese market. Removal of restrictions and open access does not mean that all Kazakhstani farmers will be successful in China. No, we will have to compete, there are many well-known global players there", - she said.

According to Isayev, in the fourth quarter of this year Kazakhstan will start supply honey to China. From 30th of August to 6th of September, according to her, the Chinese inspection will arrive to the Republic of Kazakhstan to inspect honey, which will study the honey collection, apiary, honey processing enterprises.

Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Dana Zhunusova, in turn, noted that China has a lot of requirements to foreign suppliers, and "Atameken", together with the Ministry of Agriculture is now engaged in the translation and simplification of these concepts. "One of the tasks of NCE is outreach work. The Chamber interprets all the requirements of the legislation in the official language to comprehendible language for understanding of business. Therefore, at the site of NCE last week was held a meeting with the participation of Gulmira Sultanbaeva, where we explained all these points. Material on the results of the meeting were also published on our website", - she said.

Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE "Atameken" drew attention to the fact that the negotiation process with China – is a big work that is very specific. At the same time, she said, experts of NCE are present at all stages of the negotiations, actively participating in the process. "NCE makes proposals on the basis of the consolidated business opinion. In turn, the Ministry of Agriculture is guided by the opinion of the Chamber in terms of the practical implementation of the potential, if we want to deliver honey, which range in priority as a whole. That nomenclature, which we discuss now, is completely dictated by the views of business. This process is completely transparent. Maybe not for the media, but for business for sure", - she said.

"Currently, we have agreed that to take the initiative to address other authorized state authorities with a proposal to create a joint working group on the site of NCE with all the associations and entrepreneurs. The working groups will be created in the context of each product: honey, poultry and beef – depending on what is priority at the moment. Within these working groups we will study Chinese demands, which we plan to include in the national standard, in order to show how we take this responsibility. And business will have a step by step list of requirements in two languages. It is our job, we are always trying to simplify these concepts for all of them", - added the Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" and promised to the media on a regular basis to provide the latest information on the status of negotiations of Kazakhstan and China.

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of RK "Atameken” together with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan has been actively working on removing existing restrictions and barriers to exports of agricultural products to China. On the site of NCE with participation of representatives of state bodies and business was held the discussion of these issues through the creation of special working groups.

In order to promote further the export of domestic products to China, the Department of AIC NCE RK is collecting suggestions and discussion. You can contact us by phone regarding all issues related to export of agricultural products to China 8 (7172) 919-325.

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