
Business on the transfer of state functions

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At the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs was held a discussion on transfer of state functions to the competitive environment and to self-regulatory organizations.

The meeting was attended by representatives of Kazakhstan's business community.

In particular, the sides discussed issues concerning the transfer of state functions, performed by MID RK to NCE RK "Atameken". The transfer in the jurisdiction of NCE of the following: the development of local content; provision of service and support to subjects of industrial and innovative activities in promotion of domestic goods, works and services at the internal market; reimbursement of the cost to domestic producers.

Sectoral subgroup created by the order of the Minister for Investment and Development dated by July 19, 2016, analyzes the market readiness for the transfer of state functions in a competitive environment. The results of the analysis will be presented later to the consideration of the expert group.

Opening the public hearing, the deputy chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Eldos Ramazanov noted transparency of discussions and involvement of the business community.

"The main idea of ​​NCE is to create a unified platform for state procurement, procurement of quasi-public sector and subsoil users, which will allow potential suppliers registered in the "Business register" to track planned and ongoing procurements, to participate in the work of the created working committees on increase of the local content in procurement ", - said Eldos Ramazanov.

During the discussion, the majority of the business community expressed their approval on the transfer of state functions to the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs.

"Now it is really important to consider all the details of the process, because some flaws have been revealed. As a Union, we are ready to help to protect the interests of domestic producers. We know that NCE has people, who stand at the origins of development of database "Business Register" and who are willing to take over management functions. I think they will cope with it", - said Niyaz Zhumat the representative of the union of oilfield service companies.

The "Business Register", which was created by NCE RK "Atameken" has more than 1,000 active users and about 500 thousand unregistered users. The system allows businesses to post information about their products, works and services, to receive information on ongoing procurement, as well as to promote its products abroad.

On the basis of the Business Register, which contains all information on procurement, NCE will monitor planned and ongoing procurement. It will provide an objective analysis of the scope of procurement.

The transfer of certain state functions in a competitive environment is foreseen by "100 concrete steps" for implementation of which in January of this year was established a special commission.

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