
"Atameken" has studied the state of business

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During the large-scale work at the national level were held opinion polls, interviews, the portrait of a businessman has been drawn

Today, at the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" was held a presentation of the national report on the state of entrepreneurial activity in the country. Three years of experience and solid credibility in the business environment have allowed experts of "Atameken" to shape not only their own, but also the most timely and accurate information about the situation in the business sector. The findings of the research materials were the basis for the first national report to be presented to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Presenting the document to journalists, Deputy Chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Nurzhan Altaev said that within a short history of NCE, it was able to form its own view on the situation in the country's business. "Understanding of NCE on development of entrepreneurship in the country resulted in the preparation of the first National Report on the state of entrepreneurial activity. In the future, an annual national report will become an annual channel of provision of information to the state and the public about the state of entrepreneurial activity and the development of the business community of the country", - he said.

Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Chamber stressed that the national report was the result of a comprehensive work undertaken in several directions.

Deputy Chairman of NCE "Atameken" Rustam Zhursunov drew attention to the strong methodological support in preparation of the report. "Opinion polls were conducted, in particular, specialists of the Institute of Economic Research of the Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan, Fund" Damu ", "KazMunayGas",  “McKinsey" were involved in it, - said Rustam Zhursunov.

Nazarbayev University also provided nformation and methodological support to "Atameken", the preparation of the report coincided with the preparation of the regional map of business development. The work continues in 16 regions of the country.

"We went to all regions of Kazakhstan, we interviewed about 10 thousand entrepreneurs, about 17 thousand of the working population, conducted more than 8000 polls. In addition, the activity of 4,600 entrepreneurs was studies by five key factors", - said Rustam Zhunusov.

These are administrative regulation for each region, state support, financial support, human resources, maintenance of infrastructure.

"We have reported that by the results of the rating in 2015 Astana became the leader by all five criteria. Second place, in comparison with the year 2014, took Aktobe region, it rose by four points. Third place went to the city of Almaty", - said Rustam Zhursunov.

The structure of the national report consists of four main sections. Thus, the first section – is a portrait of the entrepreneur. Explaining this topic, Rustam Zhursunov noted that the organizers of the survey sought answers to questions such as: who is an entrepreneur, what is an entrepreneur input to GDP, what is the share of active entrepreneurs, what forces people to become entrepreneurs, how many of them are per thousand people, and how does it correlate to the world level?

Non-standard and large-scale approach to the organization of research yielded interesting and useful information, including during preparation of a portrait of the entrepreneur. "The share of Kazakhstani SMEs in Kazakhstan's GDP is about 26%, 17% accounts for  import of SME, 33% of the employed, 83.4% - are entrepreneurs. There are few large enterprises in our country, they make up 0.2% of all businesses", - said Rustam Zhursunov.

In addition, small business "specializes mostly in trade and other sectors of agriculture". An average large enterprise is engaged mainly in the industrial sector. Assets of quasi-public sector account for more than 50%.

24.6% of entrepreneurs started their business out of necessity. "Life has made them. The potential entrepreneur – is a 20 to 34 year old male", - stated the Deputy Chairman of NCE "Atameken".

The second section of the national report includes information on current economic challenges and problems, negatively affecting not only the economy but also on the financial health of the business, in particular. Rustam Zhursunov noted that "markets have shrank", and these observations were included in the final document.

In addition, the report proposes the strategy of development of business in Kazakhstan. "Strategy-2050 " was chosen as a basic guideline, as well as the entry in top 30 developed countries. And we have set for ourselves indicators that correspond to the OECD countries", - said Rustam Zhursunov.

Add that to the National report includes not only facts and trends in the economy, but also the practical proposals of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" to solve the problems identified in the business environment.

Zhanar Serdalina

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