
Labor person is always in high esteem

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In Astana at the forum "To the society of universal labor", dedicated to the celebration of Labor Day, awarded the winners of the republican contest "Yenbek Zholy"

"The state pays great attention to employment in Kazakhstan. The country has a program "Employment Road Map-2020". This program is not only focused on employment, but also provides training on demanded specialties, taking into account the needs of society, the development of entrepreneurship and creation of new jobs. During 5 years its participants became 710 thousand persons, out of 533 thousand people were employed on a permanent job. 128 thousand inhabitants improved their knowledge, became the owners of the new professions", - informed the Minister of Health and Social Development of Kazakhstan Tamara Duysenova.

The Minister noted that organized on the initiative of Ministry of Health competition "Yenbek Zholy" is aimed at forming a positive public opinion about the working people and creating conditions for the emergence of new labor dynasties in enterprises and organizations, education of the Kazakhstani pride in the achievements of compatriots who have made significant labor contribution of to the development of the republic’s economy.

The first stage of the competition took place in the regions in the categories "Best Labour Dynasty", "Best young worker of production", "The best mentor of young workers." In total 460 people took part in the republic competition.

"Today, all 48 winners in three categories of the regional stage of the contest "Yenbek Zholy" are in this room. Among them are 4 generations of families working in the same industry. Filippov labor dynasty of the East Kazakhstan region has a combined experience of 360 years old, the same age is the railroad dynasty of Aralbaev’s in Atyrau region. Dynasty of Zhanabayev’s from South Kazakhstan region has 242 years of labor experience, and the family of metallurgists Baymuldin’s from Aktobe oblast - more than 218 years of labor experience. In our country there are a lot of families like this", - said Tamara Duysenova.

The winners of the republican stage of the competition "Yenbek Zholy" in the nomination "The best labor dynasty" has become a family of railwaymen Aralbaev’s from Atyrau region. In the nomination "the best mentor of young workers" won excavator driver from JSC "Sokolov - Sarbaiskoye ore-dressing production association" Andrey Solovyev.

Combine driver at the farm "Mambetov and K" Turar Kasymov of the North Kazakhstan region won in the nomination "Best young worker". The award was presented to him by the Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

The Chairman of the Board of NCE also presented medals "Yenbek ardagerі" to senior researcher of the Institute of Reconstruction and Development under the Karaganda State Technical University Anatoly Bozhenov, chief scientific researcher of RSE "National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan" Shayakhmet Shiganakov, Director of LLP "Medical Assistance" Anatoli Bilonog.

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