
"Atameken" supports development of PPP in preschool education

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Head of the Committee of the social sphere NCE RK Talgat Doskenov believes that Kazakhstan does not have the proper conditions for the development of private kindergartens

Kazakhstan Association of preschool institutions in conjunction with the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken", Department of Education of Astana and Astana city branch of "Nur Otan" within the project "Bakytty balalyk shak" held a solemn event dedicated to the Teacher's Day.

The purpose of this event is to support entrepreneurship in the field of early childhood education, raising the status of private preschool institutions. NCE was represented at the meeting by the member of the Presidium, the Chairman of the Committee of the social sphere and social partnership of the Chamber Talgat Doskenov.

"Today NCE pays great attention to public-private partnerships. In this regard, together with the association of private preschool institutions, we are holding this event. What for? Today, there are problems associated with the fact that the private child care centers experience hardships. The bottom line is this: the deregistration of the facility from residential to non-residential takes two years and is worth 5-10 million tenge in Astana. Private education institutions simply do not have such money. In this regard, many preschools institutions do not register. That is it can be a private 2-storey house, which a businessman gave to a preschool, and it is not registered. Thus, these organizations are in the shade", - he said.

Doskenov stressed that the Government should consider approaches to creation of conditions for the development of private preschool institutions, especially that in Kazakhstan there is a big problem of lack of kindergartens.

During the event was held a gala concert, which was attended by students of private kindergartens. The participating founders of private preschool institutions were solemnly congratulated and awarded with letters of merit.

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