
What sanitary rules do owners of kindergartens have to fulfill?

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Owners of ungraded preschools believe that Kazakhstan should review the sanitary requirements for business

At the meeting of the Council for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs and anti-corruption of NCE RK "Atameken" the representatives of business declared about absurd requirements to objects of pre-school education and training, which require a speedy change.

They provided concrete examples of existing rules. For example, in washrooms for groups of children of older than 1.5 years, two children’s washbasins, a children's toilet, sink, a shower tray, as well as the cabinet-bookcase with labeled pockets for pots. In the heating season the air temperature must be as follows: 1) in the sleeping quarters, the premises for cultural events and recreational facilities, computer rooms, cleaning rooms, laundries - from +18 to +22 degrees Celsius; 2) in the pantry, ironing, drying, storage rooms and linen rooms - 16; 8) in the shower - 25.

White and brown bread at SES requirements, should be stored separately (in different cabinets or on different shelves). It will not satisfy workers of sanitary-epidemiological establishments, if the cabinet doors will not have holes for ventilation, and the distance of the bottom shelf from the floor is less than 35 cm.

Small businesses are forced to negotiate perspective menu and assortment of products with the territorial division of the state authority agencies in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population. Transportation of food products should be carried out by road transport, which have sanitary-epidemiological conclusion.

As for the floor space for a group of preschool institutions, cloakroom (reception) must not be less than 0.7 square meters per 1 child; group (play) for the nursery - is not less than 2.5 square meters per 1 child, for preschool groups - not less than 2.0 square meters, dining room - not less than 3.8 square meters, a bedroom - not less than 1.8 square meters per 1 child for the nursery groups, for preschool - not less than 2 square meters, a toilet - not less than 0.8 square meters per 1 child.

Numerous accounting and reporting medical documentation of objects of pre-school education of children should include: 1) a register of infectious diseases; 2) a magazine of somatic diseases; 3) register of contact with acute infectious diseases; 4) a register of the quarantine; 5) The preventive vaccination map; 6) register of preventive vaccination; 7) vaccine movement journal, of other bacterial agents; 8) Mantoux tests log; 9) registration of children at risk to be surveyed by the magazine Mantoux test; 10) Journal of tuberculin-positive persons subject to further examination in ftiziopediatra; 11) Journal of post-vaccination complications; 12) Journal of permanent and long-term health exemptions; 13) Journal of opened vials of vaccine, and the destruction of the remnants; 14) Journal of the controlled chemoprevention; 15) Statement of Changes in vaccines and other immune-biological preparations; 16) Report on the coverage of immunization; 17) the magazine of general cleanings; 18) the magazine of quartz treatment; 19) register of temperature refrigeration equipment; 20) register of agents surveyed in the parasitic diseases; 21) register of persons tested for worms; 22) inspection log for pediculosis, scabies and ringworm; 23) report on the results of preventive medical examinations; 24) certificate of the child's health; 25) lists of children at risk; 26) logbook of x-ray positive people; 27) quality control journal of the finished products; 28) log of the health status of the catering staff; 29) register of health education; 30) Folder with annotations vaccines; 31) orders and instructions; 32) magazine on control of compliance with the rules of catering (on cumulative list); 33) logbook of dispensary patients; 34) the individual medical records of pupils; 35) checklist of regular check-up; 36) log of in-depth preventive medical examinations, acts of experts; 37) log for grading of food products and food raw materials; 38) A statement of monitoring the implementation of the norms of food.


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