
The goal - to simplify customs administration

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"Atameken" will monitor the quality of customs services in a systematic way

Currently, active measures of simplification of customs administration are applied in Kazakhstan for participants of foreign economic activities. To this end, the Government at the time ratified the agreement on trade facilitation within the framework of the Protocol of accession to the Marrakesh Agreement of the World Trade Organization. These international obligations require the transition to the new standards of customs services for domestic exporters and importers.

In addition, the order of the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan dated by April 30, 2016 approved a plan of measures to simplify customs administration. The document provides for the integration of information systems of state bodies, the introduction of "single window" mechanism, as well as the mandatory deployment of regulatory authorities in the customs clearance centers.

At the request of the interested state bodies of Kazakhstan, experts of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken", based on regular input signals from the business, have prepared a package of recommendations to simplify customs administration. As part of the Government's plan is foreseen the construction of zones of customs clearance with implementation of uniform state control. A pilot project was the opening in Astana the Center of customs clearance on the basis of TLC “Continental Logistics”, where the participants of foreign economic activity get access to comprehensive services by WTO standards.

"NCE RK" Atameken ", together with the Association of Customs Brokers of Kazakhstan conducted a survey among users of the Center of customs clearance in Astana in order to monitor its quality and efficiency. The survey was conducted between 12th of August to 8th of September 2016. It was attended by declarants (14.0%), customs representatives (86.0%), who conduct customs clearance in the area of ​​activities of the Centre. In total 136 responses were submitted, 114 respondents or 83.8% answered all the questions in full", - said Deputy Chairman of NCE Dana Zhunusova.

Thus, 71.1% of respondents said that the changes in the business process of customs clearance have complicated relations with the customs service. 93.4% of respondents believe that the passage of state control does not meet the established regulations. In addition, at the request of "Atameken" respondents assessed the work of employees of state regulatory agencies on a 10-point scale. As a result, the work of customs officers and customs representatives was evaluated by entrepreneurs at 3 points. The work of representatives of quarantine, sanitary service was evaluated at 2 points.

"NCE RK "Atameken" intends to monitor the quality of customs services in a systematic way. We are confident that the new format of work, including, in particular, similar surveys will enable to improve the co-operation of the customs bodies of Kazakhstan and improve the business climate in the country - according to the relevant instructions of the Head of State", - summarized Dana Zhunusova.

The survey results can be found here.

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