
Electronic invoices eliminate questions to the taxpayers

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Transition to online invoices reduces tax reports twice

In the future, a full transition to electronic invoices will exclude from the Criminal Code of Kazakhstan such an article as "pseudo-entrepreneurship". This forecast today during a presentation in the Mazhilis made the chairman of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan, Daulet Yergozhin. He noted that today the taxpayers moving to electronic invoices on a voluntary basis, and more than 60 thousand companies in the country have done it.

"Firstly, the first stimulus - it saves money for the enterprise - saving on paper, postage, plus the time required to prepare tax reports. Second - it allows us to immediately translate into the category of the taxpayer so-called green, those whom we do not audit. Because we see all his transactions, he ceases to be for us as a risky, ceases to be and becomes a conscientious taxpayer normal ", - said Daulet Yergozhin.

In this case, according to the chairman of the SRC, no control tax measures, raids are applied in respect of a taxpayer." Daulet Yergozhin added that after the revision of the current system of risk "almost all the companies of "Samruk-Kazyna" passed to e-invoices and "Kazakhtelecom" was the first, which issues 97.7% of all invoices in an electronic form".

According to the forecast of the chairman of SRC, in 2018 "almost all the business is prepared for the transition". Then, according to Daulet Yergozhin, a year will be required to prepare the suppliers and sub-suppliers", and "by 2019 we will cover the whole country". "And, indeed, then it will be possible to put the question of pseudo-ntrepreneurship. Moreover, the full implementation of electronic invoicing will allow us to reduce the time of tax reporting nearly twice, to 50%", - said Daulet Yergozhin.

According to the chairman of SRC, during this period the State Revenue authorities suppressed the activity of 23 organized crime groups on charges of pseudo-entrepreneurship, 17 are still at the stage of preparation. Electronic invoices will be mandatory for all VAT payers in Kazakhstan since 2017.

 Zhanar Serdalina

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