
Chinese investors study 34 Kazakh business projects

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They got acquainted with them at the regional map of business development

Today, at the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" was held a press breakfast, during which Deputy Chairman of NCE Tulemis Shotanov informally talked to reporters about service support for business.

"One of the main tasks of NCE - is involvement of population in business. Since we have a large part of the population, which lives in the regions, rural areas, we set ourselves the task - to cover all segments of the population as much as possible. To this end, we have created an office of NCE in each district: 16 regional chambers of entrepreneurs and 188 district branches. In addition, there are 23 centers for servicing entrepreneurs at the regional level, plus there are  business support centers in each district", - he informed.

Shotanov stressed that NCE poses the task to accompany the entrepreneur, to build the entire chain of business, starting from the provision of an advice, finishing with the writing of a business plan and support on promotion of these products.

"Today we can say that more than 1.5 thousand entrepreneurs have already started their business only within one component of "Atameken” - service support at the Centers for Servicing Entrepreneurs. If we talk in general about the business support, 2.5 thousand entrepreneurs have started their business", - he said.

Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE told about such a project of the National Chamber, as a regional map of development of business. "Each of you from any device can enter the web-site, select any region and see what possibilities are there, markets. We launched the map in the first place, in order to attract investment into the economy of Kazakhstan. Secondly, it is an indisputable tool, including for local authorities. Specialization of each region is visible on the map. For example, two businessmen appealed to the local government agency for assistance. Who to support? Regional map is designed to address these issues", - said the expert.

Shotanov also said that due to the regional map some Kazakhstani projects interested Chinese investors. "A large forum is held today in China, we presented 34 projects, the Chinese are interested in them. Our representatives went there. There Chinese investors will study these projects", - he said.

In addition, according to deputy chairman of NCE, about 20 projects are considered at "Samruk-Kazyna Invest".

Shotanov noted that today on the website there is information on 105 projects,  another 385 applications were submitted recently.

They talked during the press-breakfast also about a micro-credit program of NCE RK "Atameken". "Here, the goal is not to make money, it is impossible to earn. This is more of a social project, an opportunity for people to be drawn into these business processes", - said the speaker.

Reporters asked Shotanov what reflexivity NCE expects from the program.

"We expect that we will exceed 90% recoverability. On what is our optimism based? Firstly, we have guarantee mechanisms through regional councils of entrepreneurs, which includes influential businessmen in each region. Second, people do not return loans, when they spend them for other purposes. If you celebrated the wedding of you son, you won’t return the money? And we work with each entrepreneur starting from the conception of a business idea ", - he said.

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