
Rustam Zhursunov: "Those who hinder business operations must respond to the fullest extent of the law"

- City of Almaty
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Almaty hosted XI Kazakhstani Annual Forum of Corporate Lawyers

Changes in legislation, differences between entrepreneurs and the state, raider seizure of business. The forum brought together authoritative lawyers from all over the country and legal experts to discuss the most topical issues of Kazakh law. Participants of the meeting noted that the instability of the legislation can make anyone dizzy. Only in the last 7 years the laws have changed in the Tax Code 111 times. Changes are introduced now again. Changes and amendments affected 2314 articles. And it is extremely difficult to build a business in such conditions.

Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Rustam Zhursunov noted that it is necessary to reduce 32 grounds for unscheduled inspections of business.

"This year, in conjunction with the General Prosecutor's Office, we began to audit requirements for businesses. We counted about 28 thousand requirements. Leaders in the number of requirements - is SES and firefighters. Requirements should be put at the heart of security. Quality issues - an internal affair of the company. Here, for example, demand: laundry in kindergartens should be located in the north-eastern part of the building. Why? Lamps in the production must be fenced by metal mesh. What for? Eggs in catering outlets should shattered by a metal blade. Many things are comic. 82% of our requirements are recommended for exclusion", - said Rustam Zhursunov.

The Deputy Chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs proposed to punish to the fullest extent of the law those who hinder the development of business in our country.

"For 3 years NCE received 13,564 complaints. This means that every day 50 businessmen ask for help. But during this time only one civil servant was attracted to the criminal liability and 18 to disciplinary", - said the speaker.

The forum participants noted that there should be a single complete database of court decisions. This base version exists, but, according to lawyers, it does not meet the necessary requirements. With a single database, each citizen will be able to find out how Kazakh court looks on a particular issue. So far, it is hard to foresee the decision of the court.

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