
On the investment attractiveness of Kazakhstan - on a global level

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NCE "Atameken" signed a memorandum of cooperation with the international publishing house The Business Year

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" signed a memorandum of cooperation with the leading international publisher in the field of review of the national economies of the world “The Business Year” (TBY).

On the part of “The Business Year”, the document was signed by country manager Julian Caruso on the part of NCE - deputy chairman of the Board of the Chamber Tulemis Shotanov.

The aim of cooperation of Atameken and TBY is to raise awareness about the investment attractiveness of Kazakhstan and opportunities, as well as the promotion of national exports.

“The Business Year” publishes an annual review of economic trends in the national economies of 25 fastest growing countries in the world. In Kazakhstan business surveys of “The Business Year. Kazakhstan” are published since 2011.

Currently the business climate of the republic is under study for the upcoming edition in 2017, in which the interview with NCE RK "Atameken" will be published, regarding the support provided to SMEs, investment opportunities and export plans.

It is worth noting that TBY publications are widely distributed at the largest global investment and business conferences and have the reputation of a reliable source of information for investors.

The Business Year – is an international publisher of the annual economic reviews, working in 25 countries, with headquarters in London. As part of the publication, interviews were conducted with politicians and businessmen from different countries, information is analyzed and prepared, as well as recommendations for the global business community on the dynamics of economic trends and investment opportunities.

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