
Nursultan Nazarbayev: "We must live the dream"

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The President set a number of tasks for the Government of the country

Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev praised the interim results of the country's industrial development, but pointed out some shortcomings in the work of ministries, departments and akims.

Thus, the Government of Kazakhstan was entrusted to attract more actively investors. "We have people who are able to engage and to talk? If not, it is necessary instead to appoint foreigners, by paying money", - instructed the President.

Promotion of export should be more dynamic. "Maybe, in fact, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall be the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, as in many countries - Australia, Canada? A Ministry of Industry must deal with the industry. If there are innovations, it must deal with innovations", - said Nursultan Nazarbayev.

The Head of State added that the resources allocated to support the industry, "should not be reduced". "Look, for example, at the agricultural sector, which contributes only 5% to GDP, it receives 4.5% from the expenditures of the state budget. Transport and communications yield 8.3%, utilities consume 6.8% of the budget. At the same time the construction and manufacturing industry, which provide 16% of GDP, are financed only by 0.6% from the expenditures of the state budget",- cited the examples the President.

Nursultan Nazarbayev considers it is important to promote economic ties with neighboring countries. We are talking about "the EAEU, the Caucasus, the Persian Gulf countries, China and Russia". "Even at our interregional meetings with the regions of Russia and Kazakhstan regions, you (akims) can do a number of things, without participation of the Government", - said the Head of State.

Selection of economic sectors for further budget support was also named important.

"Clearly define priorities, all successful countries on permanent basis select industries for support. This is done not only in developed countries but, for example, developing China is doing this every year", - said Nursultan Nazarbayev.

The Head of State thanked the organizers of the teleconference and the companies, which have invested a lot in opening and expansion of production facilities. "23 projects were shown. Our Government, ministries and companies have done a lot of work. I say "thank you" for such a gift for the 25th anniversary of our independence. It is the best gift", - said Nursultan Nazarbayev to the applause.

The head of state stressed that, "in spite of the crisis, we do not stop, we develop, we launch giant enterprises, create jobs, processing". "Tell me, who is doing it now in the world, what state? There are none", - stated the President.

"We - a country that claims to be a great, it has great people, and you, their representatives, are sitting here, I congratulate you on this. Only large-scale industrialization will lead our country in the top 30 most developed countries of the world. The main goal of all of us is dream", - said Nursultan Nazarbayev.

The President of Kazakhstan noted that "when a person has a dream, it never gets old." Nursultan Nazarbayev called to "live the dream, move to that dream".

"The dream has to be very big, very high, even if you reach to the middle, it will be a great success. I, first of all, tell it to the young people", - concluded the head of state.

Zhanar Serdalina


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