
Charity campaign "Do good deeds now!" was held in Astana

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Domestic producers presented their own branded products to orphans

In honor of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the first anniversary of the project of domestic producers "" under the auspices of the akimat of Astana, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" and the Union of manufacturers of light industry products held a charity campaign "Do good deeds now!", in the framework of which it is planned to render assistance to orphans who study at KSU "Vocational and technical College" of the capital’s akimat.

Organizers of the campaign intend - to upbring patriotic feelings to the motherland and young people, and to promote domestic products "Made in Kazakhstan"!

In addition to students, the event was attended by guests of honor, the Chairman of the Committee of manufacturing industry NCE RK "Atameken" Duman Kydyrbaev, deputy akim of Astana city Malika Bekturova, as well as president of the Union of manufacturers of light industry products Saul Shauenova.

On the eve of the state holiday domestic producers have expressed good intentions to present to 20 college students gifts of own production.

The good deeds were done by: Clothing Factory "Semiramide", producing garments (Almaty), hosiery factory "Bota" (Astana); Ltd. "Production innovative company “Astana Yutariya ltd” – brand “Utari”, home textiles; the now well-known outside the country sports brand “Zibro” (Almaty); Hosiery Factory "Ecko" (Karaganda); authoring studio KIMA (Astana); LLP "Tamarani" (Pavlodar); Tigran shoe company; brand "Daria" - women's clothing (Aktau) and a garment factory "SemSpetsSnab" (Semey).

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