
The more checks the more chances

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From 1st of October the State Revenue Committee with the support of NCE "Atameken” re-launched the campaign "Ask for the check - win a prize!"

According to agency spokesman Murat Zhumanbay, last year, the State Revenue Committee (SRC) with the support of NCE "Atameken" throughout the country carried out a campaign "Ask for the check - win a prize!". There were more than 200 prizes raffled (household appliances and gadgets), including the main prize - car under the brand Chevrolet.

"To participate in the campaign citizens had to submit to the authorities of the State Revenue fiscal receipts obtained by the payment of goods, works or services during the campaign. Across the country over 2 million people participated in the campaign and provided more than 10 million checks. As a result, more than 9 thousand individual entrepreneurs underwent tax registration, who worked illegally, there are more than 8000 cash registers were registered", - said Muratbaev Zhumanbay.

According to him, in that Kazakhstani ctizens contributed to the reduction in the of the size of the shadow economy and encouraged fair competition among entrepreneurs.

From 1st of October this year, the State Revenue Committee with the support of NCE "Atameken" re-launches the campaign "Ask for the check - win a prize!".

The aim of the campaign is to raise the legal culture of citizens in the protection of their own interests as consumers of goods and services.

Muratbaev Zhumanbay said that last year the event was held separately in every region and in different forms. Somewhere checks were accepted via WhatsApp application, in some areas - exchanged on paper lottery tickets, and the winners were determined through a lottery drum.

 "Summing up the results of last year's campaign, we promised that this year it will be automated and will be held centrally. Therefore, the campaign will be carried out electronically via the mobile app to combat the shadow economy “Wipon” with the financial support of NCE RK "Atameken"", - said the official representative of the SRC.

Application “Wipon” is a purely Kazakh domestic product and designed by programmers. You can download free and use in all kinds of smart phones and other gadgets.

To participate in the campaign are, can the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who can confirm the purchase of goods, works or services by simply presenting a picture of the fiscal receipt. In the case of non-issuance of a fiscal receipt citizens may also complain about these violations.

The campaign will take place from 1st of October to 15th of December this year. During this period in all regions and cities of Astana and Almaty each month will be held prize drawings and awardings.

Grand Final will be held at the State Revenue Committee at the end of the year, during which will be awarded prizes.

Prizes are provided by the business community.

Winners will be determined by the method of random selection of the check. Thus, the more checks sent, the more chances to win the prize of a participant.

Fiscal receipts, which were sent twice won’t participate in the drawing.

In order to ensure transparency and objectivity in the process of determining the winners in each region, the cities of Astana and Almaty, as well as at the State Revenue Committee will be created Commission, which will include representatives of the business community, NGOs and the media.

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