
Further training in an important matter

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Question of identification of the origin of the goods and issue of relevant certificates were discussed at NCE

At the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" was held a seminar-training on how to improve the skills of specialists of regional chambers of entrepreneurs on the topic "Determining the country of origin of goods, issuance of certificate of origin and abolition of its action".

Specialists and experts in certification of origin of goods from 16 regional chambers of entrepreneurs took part in the seminar.

The seminar program included a discussion of changes in the regulations governing the terms and rules of origin of goods, registration, certification and issuance of certificates of origin of goods, the introduction of automated system of issuance of certificates of origin, tightening the responsibility of experts-auditors in the field and specialists in certification of origin of goods, discussion of the work plan for keeping the register of businesses, foreign trade participants to determine the level of reliability as partners for business, conduction of a business game, certification of specialists.

They discussed issues on the registration procedure and the issuance of certificates of origin of goods, the list of documents for the issuance. The seminar was attended by the chief expert of Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology of MID RK Shynar Itkusova. To clarify the emerging issues were also involved experts of the Department of procurement and local content, the Department of agriculture and food industry of NCE RK. Deputy Director of the Department of Regional Development Nariman Abilshaikov explained the procedure for maintaining the register of businesses, foreign trade participants, determining the level of reliability as partners for entrepreneurial activity, the work carried out for implementation of this project.

"Today our functions include an internal audit of issued CT-KZ certificates, and business entities actively take advantage of this: for example, taking part in one and the same tender, entrepreneurs are starting to complain about each other reasonably and unreasonably. NCE is obliged to respond to such requests, to understand these situations and to find a way out of them. We tried to do it gently for both sides - for the applicant, who received the certificate, and for the entrepreneur, who turned to us with a request to verify the certificate”, - said the expert of the Department of manufacturing industry of NCE "Atameken" Elmira Urazova.

According to her, NCE receives a lot of requests from the foreign partners - EAEU member countries. Questions related to the audit or reliability of a particular certificate. "Accordingly, with such levers, they may refuse the preferences. This product, which is sent to the importing country, must have a valid certificate. On this basis, the country of import has reason to request this information. It should be clearly understood that our responsibility in this matter is very serious", - stressed Urazova.

Since the certificate of origin is issued in 16 regional chambers of entrepreneurs, it is important to develop a common approach to the consideration of a package of documents for the issuance of a certificate of origin, as well as to discuss the amendments to the regulations on the procedure of registration of certificates and issuance of certificates of origin and the list of required documents for their issuance.

Seminar participants were invited to participate in a business game where for analysis were provided different documents with different situations, then specialists were tested by the program.

To cover all the experts on certification of origin of goods and non interruption of the issuance of certificates of origin, training seminars are held in 2 stages: on 30th of November and 15th of December at regional chambers of entrepreneurs.

The workshop was very productive, there was initiated by a series of amendments to the existing RLAs on the procedure for issuing certificates of origin, which will continue to be worked out with the competent authorities, the certification was successfully passed by all the experts, who participated in this seminar.

At the end of the seminar participants were awarded Certificates of Completion of training.


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