
Gennady Zenchenko has passed away

- North-Kazakhstan Region
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After a long illness at the age of  80, died a famous Kazakhstani agrarian Gennady Zenchenko

Gennady Ivanovich Zenchenko was born on 4th of May 1937 in the village Priishimsky of North-Kazakhstan region. He started his career as a simple worker. He graduated from the Petropavlovsk College of Agricultural Mechanization, in 1973 he graduated from Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute. Since 1962, he worked at the farm Leninsky as an electrical mechanic, then head of the oil depot. Since 1965, he worked as a mechanic, then head of MTM. Since 1968 - the chief mechanical engineer of the farm Leninsky, head of Sovet district association "Kazselhoztehnika”.

In 1973 he was elected as deputy chairman of the executive committee. In 1976 he became director of the farm Novonikolsk. In 1997 the farm was transformed into a limited partnership "Zenchenko and the company," in which Zenchenko served as a CEO. Under his competent leadership the farm became one of the best in Kazakhstan. Hero of Labor of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Honorary Citizen of the North-Kazakhstan region. He was awarded with awards "Golden Barys", "Otan".

It is worth noting that the company "Zenchenko and K" is actively cooperating with the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of North Kazakhstan region.

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken” Kazakhstan expresses its deepest condolences to the family and friends of Gennady Ivanovich Zenchenko.

It is known that a memorial service will be held on 19th of December at 12 noon in the village Novonikolsk.

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