
The new Customs Code: the main thing that the interests converge

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Leaders of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) signed the new edition of the Uniform Customs Code in St. Petersburg,

The agreement was signed by the president of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, Russia - Vladimir Putin, Kyrgyzstan - Azmazbek Atambayev, Armenia- Serzh Sargsyan, with the exception of the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, who for some unknown reason, did not arrive for the signing ceremony. The document was sent for signing to Minsk.

The Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union will replace the Customs Code of the Customs Union, which was in force since 2009. It creates a basis of a single customs regulation in the EAEU.

EAEU Customs Code - is the only project, the development of which from the first to the last step was carried out with the direct participation of business circles of all countries. The most active developers of the Code were the business communities of Kazakhstan and Russia. The new Code provides priority to electronic customs declaration, the possibility of customs operations automatically without the participation of customs inspectors, new special facilitation for bona fide importers and exporters, reducing the time of customs transit and many other changes, significantly simplifying customs clearance procedures and controls.

The work on the preparation of the draft Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU CC project) was launched in December 2013.

Interests of Kazakhstani business were represented by the National Chamber of entrepreneurs at the expert level and at the level of working groups, who took decisions on the settlement of arising disputes.

25 meetings of the Working Group, 14 meetings of high-level officials, authorized to resolve differences over the draft Agreement on CC of EAEU were held. More than 400 (about 1200 amendments) were discussed during these meetings. Within the framework of the Expert Group there were held 32 meetings.

As for the draft Treaty on the CC of EAEU, there were conducted two inter-governmental approval procedures (IAP).

As a result of IAP, in 2015, out of 552 amendments prepared by the Republic of Kazakhstan (consolidated position of NCE and public authorities) about 70% were accepted.

The National Chamber with IAP sent a package of 87 amendments in 2016. Among the amendments are: terms for submission of preliminary information, amended by ICBC "Khorgos", questions on the classification, customs value, customs duties, ensuring payment, customs inspections.

About 60% of the amendments submitted by the National Chamber were supported. The work on preparation of the draft CC of EAEU lasted 3 years.

The new Customs Code of the EAEU should come into force on 1st of July 2017.

EAEU includes Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.


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