
Pharmaceutical market: it's time to put things in order

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There were changed the rules of procurement of drugs and medical devices, taking into account the proposals of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs

In 2017 enter into force the amended rules on procurement of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment, and pharmaceutical services within the state guaranteed benefit package (SGBP) and the system of compulsory social insurance (SCSI).

During the year, NCE RK "Atameken" together with government agencies and entrepreneurs of the pharmaceutical market was actively involved in improving the system of procurement and supply of pharmaceutical and health care products to reduce administrative barriers. As a result, public authorities have taken over 50% of the proposals of the business community.

During the work on the project, NCE RK "Atameken" has repeatedly reported on the need to address systemic procedures of procurement and product delivery in the public sector, such as long-term payments for products delivered up to 90 business days, the lack of advance payments to suppliers, the practice returns to suppliers of purchased product in large quantities, infringing of the interests of domestic manufacturers of medical equipment in regional procurement and imperfectness of pricing mechanism, the presence of rules that are contrary to the principles of procurement transparency.

The amended rules of procurement adopted the proposals of NCE RK "Atameken" in terms of reduction of terms of payment for the delivered products from 90 to 60 calendar days for domestic producers, reducing the maximum volume of products returned to the supplier with a decrease in the need for it from 25% to 10%, exclusion of the mass purchase of on trade names of drugs. At the same time the need for the suppliers to provide most of the documents in the notarized form was eliminated and defined mechanisms of formation of the product range and extended deadlines for investment projects under long-term contracts.

In this case, in the light of the recent conceptual systemic reforms of Kazakhstan's healthcare, such as the introduction of the system of mandatory social health insurance and the formation of a single pharmaceutical market on the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union, we are facing a difficult task to improve further the regulatory legal acts in this field, including in procurement and drug supply to the population.

In this regard, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs intends to continue to work on the solution of existing key issues of the pharmaceutical sector, together with the business community and state bodies.


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