
The license of Delta Bank was renewed

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JSC “Delta Bank” is allowed again to accept deposits and to open banking accounts for individuals

On 29th of December 2019 was adopted a Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan # 318 "On the renewal of the license to conduct banking and other operations and implementation of activities in the securities market, issued to  Joint Stock Company “Delta Bank ", in terms of accepting deposits, opening of bank accounts of individuals" (hereinafter - Regulation), reports the National Bank of Kazakhstan.

The resolution dated by 29th of December  2016, JSC “Delta Bank” (hereinafter - the Bank) is allowed again to accept deposits, to open bank accounts for individuals.

The resolution was adopted under subparagraph 31) of paragraph 23 of the Regulations on the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated by 31st of December 2003 # 1271, on the basis of the application and supporting documents of the Bank to hold them to a series of measures aimed at improving asset quality, improving risk management and internal control systems of the Bank, as well as the commitments made by the Bank's shareholders to support the Bank's liquidity and capitalization.


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