
How was 2016 for NCE "Atameken"?

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The past year was marked by many achievements in the development of business, in which NCE has been actively involved

In January, at the site of NCE "Atameken" was presented an updated state program of industrial-innovative development of RK. Chairman of the Board of the Chamber Ablay Myrzakhmetov noted that during the second five-year period it is essential that it will consist of two levels: national and regional. At the national level, the Ministry of Investment and Development together with NCE will monitore the key projects by industry; regions – will be fully managed by the Chamber and the local executive bodies.

In February, the Ombudsman for protection of the rights of entrepreneurs appeared in Kazakhstan. Bolat Palymbetov was appointed to this position by the Decree of the Head of State.

In March, for the development of mass entrepreneurship, including support for people with entrepreneurial initiative in the rural areas, "Atameken" has launched a micro-credit program for small business. Funding of the program is based on a return in the amount of 1 billion 200 million KZT through the attraction of private capital of the companies of the Group "Almex". Microloans are issued by 6-7% for 3 years.

As you know, in March of this year, the head of state signed the Law "On introducing amendments and addenda to some legislative acts of Kazakhstan on the issues of reducing permit documents and simplify licensing procedures". This law was developed with the direct participation of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken".

In April, NCE developed a map of the regional development of entrepreneurship - a unique resource which accumulates all the information about the business conditions, about the opportunities that are available to it in this or that region.

In the same month, "Atameken" signed with the Chinese company "Aytszyuy" a work plan on cooperation, going to a new stage of cooperation. Plans were outlined for implementation of the investment project - the construction of a plant for deep processing of oilseeds and grains in North-Kazakhstan region.

A Public Relations Department of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" took the III place in the nomination “PR in social media" at the All-Russian competition among press secretaries, press officers and specialists in public relations.

In May, at the NCE of Kazakhstan "Atameken" was created the center of agricultural competence to become an advanced service of country’s extension in the field of agriculture. This year center of agricultural competence within the public order of the Ministry of Agriculture for information support to agribusiness entities conducted 666 seminars in 25 priority areas of agro-industrial complex on the basis of the country's leading farms covering about 10 thousand subjects of agrarian and industrial complex.

In the same month, "Atameken" signed an agreement with eight subsidiaries of "Samruk-Kazyna". The parties have agreed on cooperation in support of domestic producers. The signing ceremony of an important document for the domestic business was attended by Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov and heads of subsidiaries of the Fund "Samruk-Kazyna": JSC "KazMunaiGas", JSC "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy", JSC "KEGOC's" JSC "Samruk-Energo", JSC "Kazakhtelecom", JSC "Kazatomprom" JSC, "Kazakhstan engineering" and JSC "Tau-Ken Samruk».

At the initiative of the Head of the Presidium of NCE Timur Kulibayev was created EAEU Business Council. The organization is headed by Viktor Khristenko.

On 23rd of May 2016 began broadcasting the first multimedia television of station Kazakhstan – “Atameken business channel”.

Also in May, Astana hosted the second Congress of the Council of Business Women of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" - "Kazakhstan - new opportunities".

In June has been created the Fund for return of Kazakhstani tourists in emergency situations "Turistіk Kamkor".

Astana hosted the III Congress of NCE "Atameken" with participation of Prime Minister Karim Massimov. At the Congress was adopted the Charter of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan on counteraction of corruption developed by NCE RK "Atameken".

In July 2016 the National Chamber of entrepreneurs launched a pilot project to train rural residents to the basics of business “Bastau Business” in Munaily District of Mangistau region. The purpose of the project – is increasing the economic activity of the rural population through the attraction of self-employed and unemployed population to entrepreneurial activity.

In August, NCE jointly with the Prosecutor General's Office and the party "Nur Otan" has launched a project on its website to identify the rules in the legislation that prevent business activities from normal operation. Through a form "together to improve the law" come proposals from business on procurement, taxation, the energy sector.

At an enlarged meeting of the Government in September of this year the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev gave a number of specific tasks to ensure economic growth. As one of the main incentives he indicated mass entrepreneurship and employment. The order for the development of agro-industrial complex has also been given, in particular, agricultural cooperation, as well as diversification of export potential. 10 priority steps for business development have been developed for realization of the tasks of the Head of State.

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs jointly with the Metropolitan Tourism Association and the Association of Travel Agencies of Kazakhstan "ATAK", held the Kazakh-Chinese tourism forum. Within the frames of the forum NCE organized a photo contest "I love Kazakhstan" for best picture, reflecting the tourist potential of the country.

Astana hosted XIII Forum of interregional cooperation of Kazakhstan and Russia with participation of the Presidents of the two countries. Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev praised the integration of the Kazakhstan-Russian business community and noted the important role of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" in this process. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, speaking at the event, said that even in difficult economic circumstances, Russia will promote trade with Kazakhstan.

In October was launched the program "Zhanaozenge - Zhana serpіn!", within the frames of which businessmen of Zhanaozen were rendered free consultations on land issues; permit procedures; technical services; financing; training, etc.

In November of this year NCE presented a draft concept of the state program of development of agriculture in the years 2017-2021.

In November, "Atameken" and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan initiated a movement for the promotion of the Kazakh products to the market of the PRC "Export to China!".

In the same month was held the Forum of domestic producers "Uly Dala Eli".

In December, in the framework of Industrialization Day, was held the ceremony of awarding the Prize of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Altyn Sapa". The award ceremonies of Republican contest-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" contest on social responsibility of business "Paryz" and a special award"Isker", were held at the same time.

Also on the last month of the year at "Atameken" was held an extended meeting of the Presidium of the Chamber with participation of Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Bakhytzhan Sagintayev.

On the eve of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE presented state awards to employees of NCE and the representatives of Kazakhstani business.

Also at the end, the leaders of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union signed the new edition of the common Customs Code in St. Petersburg.

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