
200 million in favor of businesses

- Kyzylorda Region
6082 просмотров

Rights of 200 Kyzylorda entrepreneurs were protected in 2016

This is the result of the work of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kyzylorda region. The director of NCE branch Galymbek Zhaksylykov said that the lawyers of the Chamber of entrepreneurs last year participated in more than 50 court sessions, as a result 80% processes have been resolved in favor of business.

 Consultants of District Business Support Center, as well as the Center for servicing entrepreneurs provided 12,257 consultations to 5995 citizens. 1710 entrepreneurs have received services.

"There is a special demand for the component "Business School" in the region. 1007 people have passed the training course" Business Advisor ", 120 - "Business Growth ", 65 people enriched their knowledge in the framework of the project-based learning. As a result 186 projects were financed, totaling 888.7 million tenge", - said Galymbek Zhaksylykov.

Under the Chamber of Entrepreneurs was established the Club of Accountants, Club "Tips of lawyers", "Attorney’s Office" opened in the districts and in Kyzylorda.

"Last year the regional Chamber actively participated and contributed to the creation of agricultural cooperatives. Out of 114-minute cooperatives, 11were set with the assistance of the Chamber. To improve the skills of specialists of agricultural industry together with the Centre of agricultural competence were conducted 33 training seminars, including with the participation of international experts", - said the director of RCE.

He also noted that the Representatives of the Sports and Entertainment Complex "Aray" and market "Abdimanap" of Shiely district won prizes at the Republican contest "Trade Excellence - 2016". The participation was enabled thanks for the support of experts of the Chamber.



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