
For convenience of business

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The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" received for discussion the draft law "On natural monopolies"

The draft law was developed in pursuance of Legislative Work Plan of the Government of Kazakhstan for 2017 and aims to address the following conceptual issues:

  1. The phased introduction of the incentive methods of regulation of activity of natural monopolies in compliance with international best practices in order to increase their effectiveness;
  2. Reduction of administrative barriers in the sphere of natural monopolies;
  3. Increase the transparency and efficiency of natural monopolies and the authorized body, including in terms of analytical methods and the rules applicable to them in the exercise of their functions;
  4. Strengthening control over the activities of subjects.

The text of the draft law of RK "On natural monopolies" can be found here

Comments and suggestions on the project can be sent to the address or communicate by phone. +7 7172 91 93 36 (Seiful Malik Biman) until 16th of January 2017.

You can take part in the discussion of the draft law by the following link:

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