
Inspect, but trust!

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In 2016 NCE "Atameken" developed a common approach to the optimization of the requirements of the checklists in the exercise of state control (supervision)

The checklists should include:

1)   requirements that characterize the safety of the final product (goods, works, services). They are checked by laboratory analysis, measurements;

2)  requirements that can actually be verified. This is verification of documentation, visual inspection of the availability of necessary equipment, markings and other indicators.

Requirements should not be included that characterize the internal processes as well as the control of them is ensured by the inspected subject through organization of the production technological control.

  These approaches have been approved at the meeting of the Expert Group at IDC on Entrepreneurship under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also focus on knowledge and acceptance of the work by the central state body.

During September-October 2016 as a pilot for a unified approach was conducted an inventory of requirements of the checklist in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare.

As a result, the Expert Group analyzed 41 sanitary rules, which identified more than 11 thousand requirements. For example, the sanitary rules for the food industry include more than 1 thousand requirements, most of which refers to the process of production. For example, the product range is developed in accordance with the size and type of facility; placement of finished products in the refrigerator or a warehouse is made by batches; refrigeration equipment and cold rooms are cleaned and disinfected upon their pollution; work on the new process equipment is performed after the sanitization; it is not allowed to wear special clothes beyond the production facilities; newly accepted refrigerated milk is not allowed to mix with the cold milk, which is stored at the facility; ice used in production is made of drinking water; all bulk supporting materials before the use must be sieved through magnetic catcher, and so on).

In accordance with new approaches the Expert Group suggested to include in the checklist for these objects only 86 requirements, or 8% of sanitary rules.

These are such requirements, as:

- The availability of serviceable systems of hot and cold water; sanitation, cleaning equipment, detergents, disinfectants, necessary equipment;

- The presence of log-books of use of supplements, a log book on results of inspection department’s employees, taking into account the identification and elimination of accidents and repair work on the water supply and sewerage, ventilation duct cleaning and treatment schedule, the order on the person responsible for the disposal of discharge lamps and other documents stipulated in the sanitary rules ;

- compliance indicators of raw materials and finished product samples, swabs from environmental objects, disinfectants, air of the working area of industrial premises (laboratory tests);

- availability of instrumentation in warehouses and refrigeration equipment.

 As a result reference rules were excluded from the checklists in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare; checklists became clear, concise and enforceable to the audited entities.

35 projects of checklists were considered in the area of sanitary inspections. 30 were finished, as a result it was suggested to reduce 82.8% of requirements (of the existing sanitary rules 9242 requirements, only 1917 were included in the checklists). 5 checklists are considered by the Consumer Rights Protection Committee of the MNE RK.


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