
It is proposed to establish a uniform price limit for a kindergarden in Kazakhstan

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The question of funding the state educational order in private kindergartens was discussed at "Atameken"

During the round table at the site of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken”, Kazakhstani Association of preschool organizations said that the new version of the standard rules of the activities of pre-school education institutions can harm the development of the business.

According to the director of the branch of the Kazakhstani Association of preschool institutions (KAPI) in Taldykorgan Marzhan Akhmedzhanova, one of the points of the current edition sounds like this: "In private preschool organizations the order of charging parents or legal representatives are established by the founder of a preschool organization". It sounds like this in a new edition: "In private preschool organizations the order of charging parents or legal representatives is established by the founder of a preschool organization, except those in which the state educational order is placed".

"The fact is that from the state budget the state pays for the cost of services for pre-school education and training for the actual stay of children and parents pay the cost of food. In accordance with the decree #488 of RK dated by 28th of May  2010, the state educational order per child and a maximum size of parental payments for children, receiving services under the state educational order, are set annually by the decision of akim of the region. This payment system has a differentiated approach and solved by the local executive bodies, depending on the region", - she noted.

The representative of the association cited the example of the illogical decision of this question by one of the Kazakhstani akims (without mentioning his name, and region). "Private pre-school education for 150 seats. Per capita funding: 17,151 tenge, the maximum parental payment should not exceed 18 thousand tenge. Another example. Exactly the same non-state educational institution - a kindergarden for 150 places. They have capitation of 16149 tenge, parental payment should not exceed 15 thousand tenge. It is in the same city. And I have a question: on what basis is it calculated?"- she outraged.

In Astana, according Akhmedzhanova, single capitation was increased from 15900 to 23 thousand tenge. However, the size of the parent payment was lowered from 23 thousand to 20800 tenge.

"I want to say to the authors of this legislation. Not only food, but also the payments of entrepreneurs’ loans depend on the payment of parents. After all, it was built or purchased and equipped as a kindergarten at the expense of credit funds. Which means he must repay the loan? If at the expense of the state educational order, he has no right, and parent fees must go to the food, in this case, how should he get income", - she said.

The representative of KAPI said that the business community considers the version of the proposed wording as an additional financial pressure and artificial aggravation of the financial welfare of the business. "We believe that such legislation would lead at least three consequences: businesses will be forced to close business that is not profitable; they will be forced to abandon the state order, which will lead to an increase in parent fees at times; some kindergartens will have to go into the shadows. We ask this legislation to remain in the current edition. And in the regions we need to fix a single amount that should not exceed the maximum parental fee. For example, it is - 10 MCI in the regions, 15 MCI - in Almaty and Astana. And then the market will prompt an entrepreneur, what price to set, we are not the enemies to ourselves. Each private kindergarden has its own system of discounts", - she said.

Deputy director of the department of development of small and medium-sized businesses of NCE Irina Tyugina supported the idea of the business community of setting a maximum price on kindergardens. "We have more than half of private kindergardens in the shadows. And the more impediments the state has, the more preschools of this kind will appear. We want to bring them out of the shadows. The gray schemes are depressing not only from the financial side, but by methodical programs are used for the education of children", - she said.


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