
Register as a sole proprietor in just one day

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The amendments on state registration of sole proprietors were introduced to the Entrepreneurial Code of RK

As it was reported by the Department of Taxation of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken", according to introduced innovations since January 2017 the declarative procedure for registration as a sole proprietor was transferred to the notification procedure.

"This means that a physical body no longer submits an application for registration, but only sends a notification on commencement of activities as a sole proprietor. Presentation of a notification by the physical body will be a confirmation of the present of registration as a sole proprietor. If joint individual entrepreneurship is registered, its authorized person provides a power of attorney signed on behalf of all the participants of a venture", - commented the innovation the representative of NCE.

The notification is submitted in an electronic format through the web portal of "electronic government" or in person on paper or through the CSP or district offices of state revenue body.

Thus, it is possible to register as a sole trader in just one day.

At the same time the certificate of state registration will not be issued to a new businessman. The fee for this procedure is also canceled.

It should be noted that in this notice the physical body must choose the tax regime: special tax regimes (for example, a patent, a simplified declaration) or the generally established procedure.

If the expected marginal revenue for the half year will not exceed -1400 monthly wage (MW at 2017 - 24 459 tenge), while the number of employees is not more than 25 people, including the private entrepreneur, in this case, the individual entrepreneur has the right to choose a simplified declaration which shall be submitted every six months. Tax deductions will amount to 3% of revenue. In this case it is necessary to buy a cash register.

Change of registration data of an individual entrepreneur by the tax authority is also made on notification basis.

This innovation was introduced "in order to create favorable conditions for development of small and medium business in Kazakhstan".

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