
Vladimir Aksenov: "We produce reliable goods at a competitive price"

- East-Kazakhstan Region
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A condenser plant operates for more than 50 years in East Kazakhstan – it is a major manufacturer of condensation equipment at the international level

 JSC "Ust-Kamenogorsk condenser plant" is more than 50 years old, it develops, manufactures and distributes power capacitors, capacitor banks, filters, condensing units, capacitive voltage dividers, capacitor banks and other energy-saving equipment for reactive power compensation. The priority of the plant is the development and manufacture of new equipment to improve the energy efficiency of production, distribution and consumption of electricity.

"Our products allow consumers to use effectively and economically and to improve the quality of the transmitted and consumed electricity. Maintaining an impeccable reputation, we provide good quality, reliable products at a competitive price", - says Vladimir Aksenov, General Director of JSC" UKCP".

The first domestic capacitors for compensation of losses in networks appeared in the USSR in 1932. These capacitors were produced in small batches in pilot plants in the cities: Kiev, Kharkov, Leningrad. By the early 50s due to the energy boom, the demand for capacitors increased so that the available production capacities in different cities were not able to provide the required number and range of these products.

"In this regard, it was decided at the government level to build a new plant dedicated to large-scale release of power capacitors with an initial reference to the Tomsk. However, the project of the Moscow Design Institute "Giproenergoprom" was destined to incarnate in Ust-Kamenogorsk, which ended with the construction of the Ust-Kamenogorsk Hydro-electric Power Plant, and in Tomsk in 1952-1953 there was no construction base and organization for the implementation of such a major project", - says the general director of the plant.

The site for the construction was chosen on the right bank of the Irtysh on the basis of territorial distribution of the construction company and the availability of free sites between the village Ablaketka and Ust-Kamenogorsk, where in September 1953 began the construction of the plant with design capacity of 3 million Kilovar. The construction of the plant lasted 6 years, the last 2 years it was conducted by multi-corporate enterprise "Altaysvinetsstroy", and on 21st of April 1959 was made the first experimental batch of capacitors in the amount of 62 pieces. In July 1959 was made and passed the test the first batch of capacitors, in the amount of 1,000 units, which is considered to be the date of birth of the plant. In the same year the production unit for the manufacture of consumer goods was organized at the factory.

Ust-Kamenogorsk Condenser Plant – is the pioneer of the electrical industry of Rudny Altai, it was the first in the USSR to master the production of complete condensing units and has a production capacity allowing to occupy a leading position in terms of manufacture of power capacitors. Earlier, in Soviet times, the plant supplied manufactured capacitors and capacitor banks to 25 foreign countries.

In recent years, the company provides equipment to the largest enterprises of the CIS countries: JSC "KEGOC's", JSC "NC" KazMunayGas ", LLP" Pavlodar Petrochemical Plant ", PJSC" Transneft ", PJSC" FGC UES ", PJSC" Rossetti ", JSC" TNK -Kazhrom ", LLC" MMK "," Kazzinc ", JSC" UMP ", LLP" Aktau foundry ", JSC" Sokolov-Sarbaiskoye ore production association".

"Ust-Kamenogorsk Condenser Plant" has rich experience in the development and manufacture of equipment for compensation of reactive power and improve power quality: power capacitors, complete capacitor installation, the modules to accommodate condenser units, filters for harmonics, capacitor banks, capacitive voltage transformers, static thyristor compensators of reactive power, etc..

The quality of services, provided by LLP "UKKZ" in the design and manufacture of the capacitor equipment, is confirmed by accreditation in the largest companies of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation: PJSC "FGC UES", PJSC "Rossetti", "JSC" Concern "Rosenergoatom", JSC "VNIIST" and honorary diploma of the Republic of Kazakhstan "For achievements in quality". The Quality Management System is certified for compliance with ISO 9001: 2015 by the prestigious certification company Dekra, Germany.


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