
“Samruk-Kazyna Contract" organized video lectures for entrepreneurs on Facebook

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Now, the procedure of preliminary selection can be learned on Facebook

LLP “Samruk-Kazyna Contract" begins instructional videos on the order of passing the pre-qualification selection of potential suppliers of “Samruk-Kazyna”
Training starts tomorrow on 28th of January on the webpage at

To do this, LLP “Samruk-Kazyna Contract" offers to sign up and to fill out the form in Google
Seminars are held for potential suppliers, registered in IS PKO, registration is free.

On 25th of July 2016 LLP "Samruk-Kazyna Contract" launched a procedure of preliminary selection of potential suppliers, for the group of companies of "Samruk-Kazyna". The introduction of this tool is provided in the new procurement model, approved by the Board of Directors of the Fund as part of the transformation program. This mechanism is based on the fact that potential suppliers of the holding companies to participate in the procurement undergo one of three types of audit, depending on the criticality of the delivered goods, works and services.

Prequalification – is a procedure to evaluate potential suppliers for future participation in competitive procurement. Passage of selection confirms the ability of the entrepreneur to carry out certain kinds of works, services, supplies, or the production of certain goods, in accordance with the qualification requirements.

According to LLP “Samruk-Kazyna Contract", in 2017 purchases will gradually move to pre-qualified potential suppliers, taking into account the priority headings.

Businesses included in the list of pre-qualified suppliers will be exempted from the need for providing the application for participation in the tender, in an amount not exceeding one (1) percent of the amount specified for the procurement of goods, works and services in the tender documents of the customer, as well as will not confirm their qualification before every participation in the procurement. Also, according to the results of the audits, the entrepreneurs will receive advice on the development and improvement activities that will help enhance the company's competitiveness.

Based on the above LLP “Samruk-Kazyna Contract" encourages to undergo pre-qualification to participate in the procurement of the holding.
On the corporate website of LLP “Samruk-Kazyna Contract” ( is posted the full information about the inclusion order, as well as training video lectures on the procedure for passing the selection, there is a call center for operational assistance to entrepreneurs 8 (7172) 55-22-66 , e-mail address:



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