
Elena Berezinskaya -Abilova: "Business without borders - that is our goal!"

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Women's business community of East Kazakhstan expresses its active civil position in support of the Address of the President and the five basic priorities voiced in it
"The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev announced in the annual Address of a task that should ensure the implementation of the third modernization of Kazakhstan.

Our country with honor has passed the 25-year stage of development, with special pride the people of Kazakhstan speak of all their successes and achievements. Now we are faced with the strategic goal: to create a new model of economic growth, which is designed to ensure global competitiveness of the country.

Guidebook for us is the program "Strategy 2050", which is implemented by means of 100 concrete steps prescribed in the "Plan of the nation".

Women's business community of East Kazakhstan expresses its active civil position in support of the Address of the President and the five basic priorities voiced in it. We believe that these mechanisms are able to accelerate the pace of economic growth above the world average, and provide a stable promotion of Kazakhstan among 30 advanced countries", - said chair of the Council of Businesswomen of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of East Kazakhstan region Elena Berezinskaya-Abilova.

 The first priority - is accelerated technological modernization of the economy.

The head of state, keeping pace with the time, instructed to cultivate new industries, which are created with the use of digital technologies. In this direction, we have to identify actively innovators in the business environment, to provide them with practical and financial support for further development and implementation of promising projects in Kazakhstan and abroad. Special program "Digital Kazakhstan" will open new horizons for innovators, which the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan should develop.

"Regional Council of Businesswomen of NCE RK "Atameken" of the East Kazakhstan region conducts systematic work in this direction. During 2015-2016 years there were held more than 250 training seminars for entrepreneurs, practical assistance was rendered to budding businesswomen, including innovators. A striking example: businesswoman Daria Podkorytova, who has developed a web project for the employment of people with disabilities and mothers of children with disabilities to participate in the republican competition of start-up projects “Startap Bolashak” ", - said the head of CBW.

The second priority – is a dramatic improvement and expansion of the business environment.

One of the strategic objectives that the President outlined is to ensure the contribution of small and medium-sized businesses at the level of at least of 50% of the country's GDP by 2050.

To achieve this goal NCE RK "Atameken" is actively working to eliminate administrative barriers in the business environment. An important contribution on reduction of all types of costs for business and in general for the development of entrepreneurship will be implemented in 2017, as NCE has already developed the program "10 Steps for Business Development", which sets objectives articulated by the Head of State under the second priority. "We believe that at this stage, the task of the whole society – is to cultivate a new generation of entrepreneurs - literate, strong, confident, and protected by the state to the proper degree. Future entrepreneurs will confidently move forward, not afraid to make bold steps and to expand business, while feeling the support of the whole society.

We all have a great responsibility for the development of entrepreneurship in general, so the Council of Businesswomen of RCE of EKR also systematically carries out a solution to this common global challenges, an example of which is the School for Young Women Entrepreneurs "Avanguard Plus", a successful "pilot" project of CBW implemented in close collaboration with public authorities and activists of business environment ", - said Elena Berezinskaya-Abilova.

The third priority – is macroeconomic stability.

The key objective here is to restore the incentive role of monetary policy and the involvement of private capital in financing of the economy. The role of "fiddle" in this priority is given, of course, to the financial institutions of Kazakhstan. "We, in turn, agree with the President that the country's financial sector requires "reset ", and we believe that the bank's strategic plans should follow the conceptual realities of today. We all know that the country has a STB, the flagship of the banking sector, which differ sharply by their development strategy: they reduce the time for the consideration of applications for loans, reduce the package of documents, conduct attractive and profitable for the clients campaigns, are involved in business support state programs. So why other banks do not take this positive attitude as a new landmark for the future ", - said the leader of the Council of Businesswomen of EKR.

The fourth priority – is improving the quality of human capital.

Nursultan Nazarbayev focused on reforms in education, health and social security, which relate to such issues as the introduction of health insurance, increase the size of pensions.

According to Elena Berezinskaya-Abilova, the Council of Businesswomen of RCE of EKR, on its part, fully supports the initiative of the Head of State to strengthen the role of education. He set the task to make education central in a new model of economic growth and focus on modernization of curriculum, which should be aimed at developing children's critical thinking ability.

"Currently, school graduates receive practical training in the dual system. And everything seems to be good: the rising generation is taught to work with their hands! But, unfortunately, they do not give the knowledge about the management, the management structure of the enterprise. The Council of Businesswomen of RCE of EKR has developed a Unified Register of documents for the implementation at SME enterprises of any form of ownership, which have successfully spread among the entrepreneurs of the region, taking advantage of their information tool - the newspaper for business people of Ust-Kamenogorsk and East Kazakhstan region "Region Press”. We will certainly continue to work in this direction", - said the head of the Council of Businesswomen of RCE of EKR.

The fifth priority – is institutional change, security and the fight against corruption.
"Timeliness of the Address of the President proves his vision. If every responsible citizen will actively contribute to the prosperity of the country, Kazakhstan will leave many countries far behind. Strong integrated management system will dissolve corruption as a relic of the past. Business without borders - that is our goal!"- Summed up E. Berezinskaya-Abilova.


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