

- West Kazakhstan Region
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A large-scale event, organized by the Business Women's Council of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs, gathered current and newcomer business ladies from the city and districts of the region. Today their activity makes significant contribution to the development of the Cisurals.

The share of small and medium-sized businesses in the region amounts 42%. Generally, 47 000 SMBs were registered, including more than 22 000 women entrepreneurs. This figure grows every year, which in general stimulates the development of the entire industry. This was emphasized by the deputy akim of WKR Mirzhan Satkanov in his welcoming speech.

"It is gratifying that so many representatives of the gentle sex take part in the forum. Our country's legislation provides equal conditions for both men and women concerning engaging in business," - Acting Director of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs Saken Karin noticed.

According to his words, the forum is a good platform for an open dialogue between business and government agencies, newcomer and active entrepreneurs, where everyone can receive a lot of new and useful information. The Chamber of Entrepreneurs is ready to support businesswomen in every possible way; their doors are open for all comers.

"The first business forum of business ladies is held for a good reason. In fact, such a far-reaching event is necessary to unite, motivate and inspire women to an active life position at home, in society and in business. Our range of interests is wide. Thanks to our mindset, we can do everything at once,"- said Zhuldyz Kuspanova, Chairman of the Council of Business Women of WKR.  

This organization was established in August 2015. During this time, many different activities aimed at supporting women's entrepreneurship were held. In all districts of the region, meetings of the WKR Business Women's Council were held, where practical assistance to newcomer and active businesswomen was provided.

The current year, the organization plans to continue working in the same direction. The official part of the forum ended with the signing of a memorandum between the Business Women's Council and WKR Akimat.                                                                                                           

Also, an exhibition-fair of manufacturers and artisans of Cisurals was held within the framework of the event.

Recently opened enterprises presented their production as well as famous brands. KazStepService LLP was among them, the enterprise was launched last year and since then sucessfully produces and sells household chemicals. As the director of the company Sholpan Uterbaeva noted, the bisiness vehicle plans to expand the product range up to 24 positions.

Within a year, they hit the markets of Aktyubinsk, Atyrau and Mangistau regions. In April, a new production is launched where company plans to produce packing materials. Such step will allow the company to expand. The Kazakh content, according to the businesswoman, amounts 80%. The company received preferential credit under the program "Business Road Map 2020". Now they are targeting to apply to the EBRD to conduct certification of the management system, labor protection and environmental management.

As Sholpan Uterbayeva emphasized, participation in such forums only help them move forward.    

The famous brand "Cakes from Omarov" also took place in the fair. The peasant farm "Nur", located in the Burlinsky district, operates on a cluster principle and employs 200 people. Having secured by state support, Svetlana Mauteeva intends to go further. She wants to open a restaurant and retail complex, where the company will sell organic products.  

People with disabilities are opening their own business too. Zhanargul Kopzhasarova from Aksai presented products and souvenirs in the national style. She has been engaged in sewing since 2011, in 2016 she received a grant through the Damu Foundation. The products of rural needlewoman are mostly known in the Burlinsky district. This forum is another opportunity to express yourself and find potential customers. 

Here on-site, active entrepreneurs, newcoming businesswomen and those who wish to open their own business could receive free consultations of specialists, including banks, microcredit organizations, government agencies.          

Trainings and speeches of experts were held in the framework of the information and training blocks. Based on the results of many researches, scientists have proved that business ladies have a number of advantages in business. In addition, women do not forget about their social responsibility, ambitious acting as benefactors and philanthropists.    

Noting the contribution of the businesswomen to the development of private sector, within the framework of the First Forum, the ceremony of awarding outstanding women of the region was held. The Event ended with lottery drawing.



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